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He who has My Commandments and keeps Them, it is he who loves Me. Worth another read!

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Look to your Only Savior, Always, to Guide you on how to navigate through this very fallen world.

John 14:21  “He who has My Commandments and keeps Them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me Will Be Loved by My Father, and I Will Love him and Manifest Myself To him.”

Pray for all people, continuously.

As always, anything written in this post is never intended to establish, promote or lead anyone to hostility towards anyone, anywhere at anytime.  

 The intention is this: education against deception for we are in perilous times and deception is great.


except going on without Christ, your Only Savior, The Comforter, in your lives.


The following portion is for the sole purpose of not allowing any of this to come upon you unawares. 


‘Police arrested hundreds of suspected criminals after tricking them into using a messaging app that was actually run by the FBI’

‘Operation Ironside, as it is known, WAS JOINTLY DEVISED BY THE FBI AND THE AUSTRALIAN FEDERAL POLICE (AFP), the AFP said in a statement Tuesday. Police forces in 20 countries cooperated since 2019 in spreading the app amongst suspected criminals, Europol said.’

June 8, 2021

‘The communications included alleged “plots to kill, mass drug trafficking and gun distribution,” Australian police said in its announcement Tuesday.’

They do not like competition.

They never perpetrate “events” for merely one reason.  They have multiple “programs” to cover for other “events” and to cover for themselves.

Remember WACO and RUBY RIDGE amongst many other crimes against humanity. 

To governments, businesses, counterfeit Christianity and to individuals:

 To anyone who is false; a liar.

Stop listening to your father, the devil.

John 8:44  “You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own resources for he is a liar, and the father of it.

To all: 

Remember the peaceful BLM and Anitfa?  

The very ones who, during our “summer of peace”, (words of the politicians and media) of 2020, cracked open the heads of the elderly and any other vulnerable souls like children, the crippled etc.  The more vulnerable the better.  They hunted, they crippled, they murdered through savage beatings given to countless souls.  They burned down countless businesses, police stations and other government buildings.   Some of these buildings were deliberately torched with people still inside.

All of these peaceful activities were/are paid for by your local/state/federal politicians of Washington, Oregon, Minnesota, NY, CA, and many others.  

The brutal police forces in Australia may have very well been trained by US “Feds”.  The simialrities are striking once you’ve viewed the volumes of videos available showing us what the Aussie “police and government” are up to.

The simiarities in the child trafficking are also striking.  (not meaning to leave “credit” to the UK-Israel-Germany etc., etc, out of the equation.)

The peaceful politicians paid bail for the release of these peaceful terrorists aka protesters.  (for those who are not yet up to speed)

The peaceful politicians free the worst of violent criminals from prisons into the general population.


This is what lawless and “doublespeak” pedophile criminals do.  They lie, cheat and con you into putting the very lives of your children, the lives of your elderly, and your lives right into their hands.

Speak up and speak out against their crimes against humanity! 

Matthew 12:20-21  “But when they deliver you up, do not worry about how or what you should speak.  For it Will Be Given to you in that hour what you should speak; 

“for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father Who Speaks in you.

The funding in their budgets for “training” the peaceful terrorists aka protesters was/is unamimously agreed upon by the Obamas, Soros, Bidens, the Clintons, Bushes, Gates, Faucis, Newsoms–Pelosis, Schumers, Cumos and (the current holder of that office) and on and on the world over.

For the devoted followers of Donald J. Trump.  Please don’t be deceived.

Trump tied the tattered bow on the entire “covid” slither death cult con and brought you to where you are, right now.  Please keep that in mind.  

Just because he “talks” the talk and says just what you desire to hear, does not mean that he is FOR you. 

You seek God, goodness, justice and mercy. 

He is taking advantage of you for those reasons and because of that, he is worse than the others. 

  At least the others are upfront about their hatred.   Please do not fall for it.  

IF he does make a comeback…”JUST IN THE NICK OF TIME”, (who knows) don’t fall for it.

He did not come through the first time, though he certainly could have if he were legit. He will not be your friend nor your savior the second time around, (IF) either.

There will be many in “conservative” movements who will push FOR Trump.  They are deceived or something else is going on.  Please don’t fall for it.

Please repent and Pray for wisdom and discernment.

Also keep in mind that Trump has been, is privy to everything that is going on, that has been going on and that will go on.

Because of the conning and coercing through illegal means by the criminals in “charge”, adults and children have taken and soon infants will take the liquid death brew; aka “vaccines”.

The liquid death brew has brought about ruinous and cataclysmic results.

There are now innumerous, dead and permanently disabled souls.  There have been countless suicides.

   The devastated families are left to deal with all of this.

Trump has not, as yet, denounced these people who are (temporarily so) in positions of “trust” and “power”.

He tells us that he does not understand why many of his followers are vaccine hesitant.


Trump urges supporters to get ‘great’ COVID-19 vaccines

Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday said that he wants his supporters to take the “great” COVID-19 vaccines that were developed during his administration.

Trump said in a Fox News interview with Maria Bartiromo that he wasn’t pleased that many Republicans say they don’t want to get the shots.

“What the FDA did with Johnson & Johnson is so stupid,” Trump said. “That’s the worst thing you could have done from a public relations standpoint. And it probably even affects the other vaccines a little bit,” the former president said.

Never forget. He, Trump calls himself the father of the (“covid”) “vaccines.”

He has never come forth to assist Julian Assange in any way. 

Julian Assange is a true and honorable journalist. He did exactly the right thing. And yet, Trump abandoned him and left him to rot and possibly die in a filthy prison.  


IF Trump is honorable, as Julian Assange is, then he, Trump, would have taken off like a rocket, FROM THE BEGINNING, to rescue Julian. He would have stopped at nothing !  He would have richly thanked Julian for his, Julian’s, self-sacrificing service to humanity through his crushing NWO expose’ via Wikileaks.,15581

I’ve not heard Trump speaking out against the vicious brutality which has been taking place in Australia resulting in countless murders, lifelong disabilities and comatose souls due to savage head beatings, full body beatings and head slams straight into concrete (etc.) flooring, as captured through available videos.

 If you are trusting in fallen people more than you trust in Christ, you will be in dire trouble.

Jeremiah 17:5  This is what the LORD says: “Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans, who rely on human strength and turn their hearts away from the LORD.

Jeremiah 17:6 For he shall be like a stunted shrub in the desert  And shall not see when Good Comes, But shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, In a salt land which is not inhabited.

Jeremiah 17:7  Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD,  And whose hope is the LORD.  For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, Which spreads out its roots by the river,  And will not fear when heat comes; But its leaf will be green, And will not be anxious in the year of drought,  Nor will cease from yielding fruit. 

Unless he comes completely clean, exposes everything, fesses up, repents sincerely to God for all of his crimes, do not fall for his hidden agenda.

The person, that Trump knowingly allowed to dictate the insanity that is the demonic “covid” con job: 

  Atrocities committed by Fauci:

Decades of atrocities committed by Fauci:

The following pertains to anyone OF this world who delivers smooth and glossy speeches and to those who believe their words and act on them.

1Thessalonians 5:3  for when they say, “peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as travail upon a woman with child.  And they shall not escape.

The following pertains to anyone who is anti-christ or against The Father and His Son and does not go along with justice, mercy = righteousness and holiness.

1John 2:19-19 little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist shall come, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour. 

They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us.

The Obama (Biden) “FBI”, “CIA”, and others, their handlers, who trained the peaceful BLM-Antifa, the true homegrown terrorists, again, most likely have been and are training the Australian federal and local police municipalities (and or hiring on) on the peaceful art of brutalization and murder. Should be no surprise if one thinks critically.

They don’t know or could care less that 


Can See Right Through their plex-glass domes.


To the Nazi Style Serial Killing World-wide Pedophile Death Cult

You own nothing !

You own nothing and have never owned one thing, ever.  


for the evil that you own as you have murdered and tortured countless infants, children, the elderly, men and women across the world !

God Almighty Owns Everything !  Always Has !  Psalm 24:1  (and many other verses)

Every person who has ever lived has never owned a thing.

Stop listening to your father, the devil.

Humble down to your Creator while you are still on this earth.  Practice doing that.  You will find a so much better existence than what you now have.  Come over to the Light of God.  You will be so much more at peace and will realize that you’ve done the only thing that will bring you true life!

Murder and running your top money makers— trafficking infants and children and selling butchered infant body parts will bring you sheer terror when you have your

FACE TO face with God 

Christ your Holy Creator.

( that is if you don’t repent and turn it completely around while you are still walking on this earth)


God Is Bringing His Holy Kingdom to earth.   Revelation 21 

John 3:13  No one has ascended to Heaven but He Who Came Down from Heaven, that is, the Son of Man Who Is in Heaven. 

Christ, along with His Heirs, Will run the world for ever and ever. 

Luke 12:32  Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

Revelation 20:6  Blessed and holy is he who has part in the First Resurrection. Over such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years.

To the beast system:

  This Will happen.   

There is nothing that you can do to prevent God The Almighty from Bringing His Holy and Righteous Government to earth.

News Flash!

 You have never ever done anything in “secret”, “top secret” or any other classification of “secrecy”.  

Again, God The Only Almighty Can See you right through your PLEX-GLASS DOMES of “silence and secrecy“.  

Many of your predecessors have died in their atrocities.  They continued to seek, to conjure and coerce this worthless, ineffectual and hopeless demonic “paradise” for themselves, on everyone at everyone’s expense right to their last breath.   

Just as you are doing now !

Where are they now ? 

They are DEAD in the grave.

Hopefully some of them repented seriously on their deathbeds.  

What IS going to happen to them?  

They WILL have their FACE TO face with the One and Only KING of the Entirety of existence.  

What did they accomplish.  NOTHING good.   

And yet, you still futilely carry on this savage and demonic tradition.

And for what? 

You only have a very limited life span, as have all of us. 

You will NEVER achieve anything as they never achieved a thing.  All of your dreams of acquiring this demonic paradise will go down the rusty old pipes just as theirs did .   

God IS Going to destroy all of your filth and savagery, wealth and “power”.  

They took nothing to the grave and you will take nothing to your graves.  

They are and you will be a pile of bones and they/you will be brought back to life by God to have your/their FACE TO face.

You will have to answer to Him as to why you operate this way.   Your predecessors, your partners in unmitigated crimes will also have to explain….

WHEN you/they have your/their FACE TO face with Christ!

You, they are seriously mistaken if you think, as they thought, they will triumph over Christ! ? !

A reminder.  You are a Nazi Style Serial Killing Pedophile Death Cult.  Nothing worse than that. 

Change it now, while you still have time.

 God IS I AM THAT I AM. He Created you; NOT the other way around.

God Allows you to pull up your socks and tie your shoes.  You would never be able to do that unless God Himself Allowed it!

He Allows you to take one breath at a time. 

He Certainly Is Able to Pull your plug AT ANY TIME.

You will be terrified when you/they stand before Him in your spiritual condition which is by your own choice.

We, all of us must go to Christ, humble ourselves sincerely and stay connected to Christ 24/07!  

That IS the Only Way to Get and to Keep His Attention.  He Knows when we are truly serious about desiring holiness to take over our lives.

Stop listening to your father, the devil.

2 Corinthians 10:4-5  For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds


You’ve had plenty of time to humble yourselves and repent (you still have some time) of your horrific pedophilia, of your running pedophile rings, your fake “wars”, fake “pandemics”, your murders, scams, deliberately creating famine, AND your deliberate killing of the earth while using your doublespeak rallying cry as a disguise for that:


your pushing of a liquid death brew, aka “vaccines”, on infants, children, the elderly and their families because you “think” you own the world and that you “deserve” to own it.

I already told you.  You do NOT own one single thing and you never have.  

GOD ALMIGHTY Owns it all!

Best to realize this, repent seriously and turn it in the opposite direction while you still can!

But you haven’t and most likely won’t changed your ways! To your detriment.  

I hope you do change it around.

I will tell you this.

I AM THAT I AM Is Alive and Breathing and He Is Watching you 24/07.

Leave HIS people alone! 

Leave them all alone!

Keep your hands off of the children!, the elderly!, and their families!

While you are still breathing, reverse course.


Remember, dear people of God. 

Prepare for Revelation 21

  Repent, Matthew 3:2, and always follow Christ, His Commands and His Peaceful Ways.

John 14:21  “He who has My Commandments and keeps Them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me Will Be Loved by My Father, and I Will Love him and Manifest Myself to him.”

His Incoming Paradise, His Holy Kingdom will be the most Splendorous Place anyone could ever imagine.  Any why not!  It is Paradise.  We should really strive and learn how to return to Paradise; Heaven on earth.   Follow Christ’s Peaceful Ways.3

Luke 13:24  “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I Say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able.

Keep Christ and The Father in our thoughts continuously.   

2Corinthians 10:4-5

God Would have us focus on His Truth and His Reality.

Matthew 3:1-3  In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea and saying, “Repent, for THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS AT HAND!”

For this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah, saying:  “The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the LORD.  ’Make His Paths straight.’  (Isaiah 40:3)

Luke 21:36  “Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”


(Read the entire chapters of Revelation 21 and Revelation 22) 

Revelation 21 :1-5

Now I saw a NEW HEAVEN and a NEW EARTH, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea

Then I, John, saw the HOLY CITY, NEW JERUSALEM, Coming Down out of Heaven from God, Prepared as a bride adorned for her Husband.

And I heard a LOUD VOICE from Heaven Saying, “Behold, the Tabernacle of God is with men, and He Will Dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself Will Be With them and Be their God.

“And God Will Wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. THERE SHALL BE NO MORE PAIN, FOR THE FORMER THINGS HAVE PASSED AWAY.”

Be aware of what’s going on.   But, preparing for His Incoming Government and all that that entails is the Only Reality.  

Please pray that people will see this as The Only Way to True Life.

John 5:39-40  “You search the Scriptures because you think they give you Eternal Life. But the Scriptures point to Me !

Yet you refuse to come to Me to Receive This Life.

Don’t let it come to this:  

Isaiah 66:4  So Will I Choose their delusions, And bring their fears on them; Because, when I Called, no one answered, When I Spoke they did not hear; But they did evil before My Eyes

 And chose that in which I do not Delight.”

2Thessalonians  2:3-12

So that this will not happen:

Again, 2 Corinthians 10:4-5

And Be STRONG in / through Christ.

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    Total 1 comment
    • Slimey

      Yeah, been saying the same thing. All the people giving us trouble today was brought by Trump. Sure, he did a lot of good things but surely did some weird things too.

      And why do the people that get in (I don’t use vote anymore since I believe they CORRUPT themselves in) HATE our guts so much? Does this make any sense?

      Look at governments around the world and here. These people HATE your uckfing guts!

      I don’t speak out except to tell them their faults and to NFARCE the law, to be righteous, then you get to HANG them. :lol:

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