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Official WAR correspondent Cardinal Clark Isaac of the EOC was in Russia. Full report (Video below)

Bishop Victoria Harr WW3 message to America and the world



From left to right: IDF soldiers prays before battle, The Russian army in red berets and green uniforms: Moscow, Russia (Shutterstock)

Rabbi Yekutiel Fish cited Rabbi Aharon Roth,  a Hungarian Hasidic rebbe and Talmudic scholar who passed away in 1947. After World War II, towards the end of his life, Rabbi Roth stated that the world has already experienced most of the pre-Messiah tribulations. The rabbi explained that the pre-Messiah War of Gog and Magog will be fought in three parts. Rabbi Roth claimed that the third and final stage of the Gog and Magog War will make World War II seem like “child’s play”, even more, destructive than the Flood in the generation of Noah. 

Rabbi Roth stated that the final stage of the chevlei moshiach (birth pangs of Messiah) will be characterized by Russia ruling over Israel for nine months. In his commentary on the Jerusalem Talmud (Megilla 10a), Rabbi Moses Margolies (1710-1780 Ukraine) stated that Biblical Meshech hints at Moscow. This interpretation takes on eschatological implications when taken in the context of the prophecies made by Ezekiel (38:2) in which he identifies Meshech as one of the leaders of the war of Gog and Magog. 

Russia’s leading role in the War of Gog and Magog is, of course, hinted at by Ezekiel (38:2) when he refers to the Hebrew word for ‘chief’, which is רֹאשׁ (Rosh). This has been interpreted by many to refer to Russia.

This is also hinted at by the Russian President Putin’s first name, Vladimir (ולדימיר) which has a value in gematria (Hebrew numerology) of 300. This is equal to the value of the name Nimrod (נימרוד), who, according to Jewish mysticism, was a previous incarnation of Gog. 

This period will be marked by a global lack of food. Despite the famine, there will be bread and potatoes to spare. Rabbi Roth cited a Midrash which explained that the world will be judged in the final Shemittah. This judgment will come in the form of general famine. It should be noted that this year is a Shemittah year that will end in Rosh Hashannah (Sept. 24, 2022).

This famine will be brought on by the financial misdeeds of the Russian president whose first name contains the same letters as the word ‘dolarim’ (dollars דולרים). Furthermore, the evil implied by the name Putin is hinted at in the Book of Job:

The Hebrew word for asps is petanim (פְּתָנִים), clearly hinting at Putin. Putin is in TOTAL control of the worlds food chain supply. So Elizabeth II and Elizabeth Truss. Please, for the love of Almighty God, and for Christ’s sake (literally) Side with the Almighty in these negotiations with Vladimir Putin. (Man of God)

The Midrash states that Israel is especially susceptible to famine. The holiest men of the generation will gather in prayer to dispel the famine from Israel and their prayers will be answered thanks to the merit of Israel’s faith in God throughout the 2,000-year exile. 

Rabbi Roth also wrote that the Ukrainians plays an equally evil role in the end-of-days as they were revealed to be Amalekites due to their zealous aid to the Nazis in murdering Jews. 

Russia has had an active interest in the Middle East and throughout Israel’s history has employed proxy support of Israels enemies. Though a Russian invasion of Israel may seem improbable, it should be remembered that Russia has a substantial military presence in Syria. This complicates Israel’s involvement in the impending conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Though Israel is a close ally of the US and normally follows their lead in international affairs, the Russian presence in Syria makes this plan of action fraught with direct threats.

This precarious situation was set reeling on Sunday when the Israeli Foreign Minister, Yair Lapid, said in an interview that the government would “wait and see” before supporting sanctions against Russia. 

Israeli foreign minister and Head of the Yesh Atid party Yair Lapid speaks during a faction meeting at the Knesset, the Israeli parliament in Jerusalem, on November 8, 2021. Photo by Oliiver Fitoussi/Flash90

This statement angered both sides, the Russians seeing it as an intention to sanction them, while the Ukrainians felt the Israeli government was not supporting them in an existential crisis. 

With Russia poised on the other side of Israel’s northern border, angering Moscow is unwise while disappointing the US would leave Israel bereft of allies. 

Times of the Messiah – Russia & Vilna Gaon Prophecy

AS TO WHY THIS IS ALL HAPPENING NOW YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT A 2000 YEAR OLD PROPHECY OF THE RETURN OF CHRIST THAT YOUR GOVERNMENTS HAVE HIDDEN FROM YOU JUST AS THE SCRIPTURES FORETOLD!! The Holy Spirit of Christ descends over Temple Mount Jerusalem 28 Jan 2011 Acts of the Apostles 1: 11 “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Yeshua, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” Matthew 24: 27 For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. Revelation 19: 12 His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. Revelation 19: 13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and His name is The Word of God. …Egyptian Hebrew….Ra = Word….El = God….RayEl = Word of God….So bible scriptures tell you the name he would use at his second coming! DO NOT LET SO CALLED CHRISTIANS TELL YOU OTHERWISE….

Revelation 16: 16“And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.”


The Holy Spirit of Christ descends over Temple Mount Jerusalem 28 Jan 2011


The Prophecy of the Vilna Gaon: “When you hear that the Russians have captured the city of Crimea, the ‘Times of the Messiah’ have started, that his steps are being heard”

Jewish Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna, Rabbi Elijah ben Shlomo Zalman (1720-1797) known as the Gra, or the “Vilna Gaon”

 It was in the year of 1720 that a young prodigy and genius was born.  The Gaon (Hebrew for “genius”), Rabbi Elijah ben Shlomo Zalman was to become the most influential Jewish leader in modern history. He would be known as the most renowned Ashkenazi Torah authority in the past thousand years. His vast skills in memorization, his extraordinary talents, great wisdom and his comprehension of all branches of Torah and secular knowledge were early recognized. 

By the age of seven, he gave his first public discourse on the Torah demonstrating an intellect that was fully developed to abstract thinking as an adult.  By the age of ten years, his wisdom in the understanding of the Torah was so renowned for he no longer could find a teacher with the command of the Torah as he. Known as “The Gra”, this prodigious Torah giant set the standard of Torah study, absolute devotion to G-d and a character perfection emulated by centuries of later students of his manuscripts and books.

Authentic Picture of the Vilna Gaon, Rabbi Elijah ben Shlomo Zalman

 According to the enlightening article in the Jewish Virtual Library called theVilna Gaon – Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilnawe read that at a very young age, the young rabbi went into a self-imposed “galus” or exile where he wandered from community to community as a beggar and sage. For forty years, he studied in isolation. 

To the Gaon, the Torah was paramount and primary to all other studies.   According to the Gaon’s son’s testimony, his father did not sleep more than two hours in a twenty four hour period for over fifty years.  His memory and biblical knowledge was legendary, for he had no peers equal among the sages for the breadth for this knowledge included both revealed and hidden Torah knowledge.  Yet he was also knowledgeable in secular sciences including authoring books on grammar and mathematics. His yeshiva, (academy of Torah study) was the premier yeshiva of the world for over 100 years and recognized as the model of all subsequent seminaries of Torah studies.   

After forty years of studying in isolation, he finally settled in the town of Vilna.  Living a quiet life, his fame as a Tzaddik (righteous man) and Torah scholar soon spread all over the land.  In spite of a life of poverty, he gave 20% of all his income to charity and even would limit his own personal needs so he could marry an orphan girl or redeem a captive. Though in constant study, his ear was also kept to the needs of the local population. He began a local yeshiva, accepting students from the renown Torah scholars of that ere and from the writings of these students, scholars today are given a glimpse of the rare breadth of intellect that the Gra upheld.

 Rabbi Moshe Shturnbuch: The Great Grandson of the Gaon of Vilan osb’m

Today, the Grand Rabbi Moshe Shturnbuch is the great grandson of the Gaon of Vilna osb’m and is a Edah Charedit, an Ultra-Orthodox Haredi Jew. Today Rabbi Shturnbuch (Sternbuk) is the Raavad or the Vice-President of the Rabbinic Court and eligible to become the Chief Rabbi (Gaavad) if the present Chief Rabbi Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss were to decease or could not fulfill his responsibilities of the Haredi Rabbinic Court.

As reported by Rabbi Lazer Brody with Lazer Beams in late March, 2014, titled, “Rabbi Moshe Shternbuch: We Hear the Footsteps of Moshiach”, we read;

Rabbi Lazer Brody – “Rav Shternbuch received a closely guarded secret that came to him from Rabbi Yitzchak Chever zatza”l, who received it from Rabbi Chaim of Volozhyn zatza”l, who received it from the Gaon of Vilna himself, who revealed it shortly before his death: 

“When you hear that the Russians have captured the city of Crimea, you should know that the times of the Messiah have started, that his steps are being heard. And when you hear that the Russians have reached the city of Constantinople (today’s Istanbul), you should put on your Shabbat clothes and don’t take them off, because it means that the Messiah is about to come any minute.”

 Russian President Vladimir Putin visiting Crimea for the first time since Annexing Crimea for the Victory Day Celebrations in Sevastopol marking the defeat of Nazi Germany 

So today, for those with “eyes that can see” are standing on the cusp of awaiting for the Messiah son of David (Moshiach ben Dovid) to come, but in reality the time of the Guela (days of Redemption) is already upon us.  As Dov Bear Barleib commented on Rabbi Brody’s blog, we read:

Dov Bear Barleib – “The Gog ben Gog Shmittah (Gog-Magog) cycle came and went without Geulah because too many of the enablers of the Gush Katif fiasco (2005) were observant Jews. They successfully delayed the Geulah one and only one full Shmittah cycle to the Cycle of the half Xtian/ half Muslim (half iron and half clay) 11th horn dude from the Book of Daniel, the Obamanation that makes desolate.

Gavriel the Angel then vows at the very end of the Book of Daniel that that last Shmittah cycle will not pass without Mashiach coming at the end of that last seven years. The 7th year or the Sabbatical year begins in 6 months (Rosh Hashanah 5774 or 2015). We are now 18 months until the end of that Shmittah cycle (Rosh Hashanah 2008 to Rosh Hashanah 2015 in the Jewish year 5775).”

The prospects for the true arrival of the era of the Messiah to finally be upon us appears also to be associated with the conquest of ancient Constantinople, or Istanbul today.  As Dov Barleib wrote concerning the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar, we are in the era of the legs of the statue that were made of legs of iron and clay. This concept of ten toes of iron and miry clay (ceramic) collaborates less with Vatican Rome’s Christian notion that the two legs of the image were the Western Roman Empire in Vatican Rome and Eastern Byzantine Roman Empire in Constantinople.

Instead it merges beautifully with the Jewish and Islamic understanding that at the end of days, the last major forces will be Islam and the Amalekites that harassed the Children of Israel as they were traveling towards the Promised Land, and later had to fight in the days of King Saul and King David.

This converges with the Shiite understanding in the Islamic hadiths that during the last days, the Islamic forces of the Bani-Israelite Pashtun Tribes will rise up with the Islamic Mahdi (Islamic Messiah, Isi ben Mariam) to confront the Dajjal, the Islamic anti-Messiah. So, who is this Islamic anti-Messiah called the Dajjal? The modern understanding in the eyes of the Muslim people is that the Dajjal is NATO Rome fronted by the power the Greater Satan, the aerial power of the United States.  

 Istanbul and the Church of the Hagia Sophia 

As BibleSearchers Reflections wrote five years ago in 2009, “The Durrani Pashtun Afghan Bani-Israel Empire and its Legacy: The Islamic Messiah, the Madhi and the anti-Messiah, the Dajjal.”

BibleSearchers Reflections – “The “Battle Axe” of G-d, the Lost Tribes of Israel who were implanted as the Pashtuns of Afghanistan, will become the predominate counter insurgents against the global forces of the West and the Vatican that are seeking world domination. Let us read this interesting and tantalizing fact:

Hadhrat (“Great Presence”) Buraidah (R.A.) narrated by Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: “There will be many armies after me. You must join that army which will come from Khurasaan.” (Ibn Adi)

The mystery gets deeper as we begin to realize that the Islamic messiah called “The Mahdi” will be hidden, like Osama ben Laden was for many years, in the midst of the Afghani tribal forces of the Pashtun tribes.  As we will later read, one of most important objectives of the Mahdi’s Army will be to head towards Jerusalem. This army, according to this following Hadith will be that the first Islamic army to attack from the Muslim world will be from the Bani Ishaq [Sons of Isaac or the Children of Israel (Bani-Israel)]. 

It appears that the first attack will be on the city of Istanbul (Constantinople). This military attack against the former capital of the Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire will cause the fall of that great city.  Istanbul will be spared looting and desecration for suddenly the news will arrive that the Dajjal (False or Anti-Messiah) will have arrived in the region.  Suddenly the Mahdi’s forces will “leave everything there and would turn to him the Dajjal or the anti-Messiah)”, and head back to Damascus to find the False Messiah.

Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Apostle (may peace he upon him) saying: “You have heard about a city the one side of which is in the land and the other is in the sea (Constantinople). They said: Allah’s Messenger, yes. Thereupon he said: “The Last Hour would not come (time of the end) unless seventy thousand persons (warriors) from Bani lshaq (Sons of Isaac) would attack it. When they would land there, they will neither fight with weapons nor would they shower arrows but would only say:” There is no god but Allah and Allah is the Greatest,” that one side of it would fall.

Thaur (one of the narrators) said: “I think that he said: ‘The part by the side of the ocean. Then they would say for the second time: “There is no god but Allah and Allah is the Greatest” that the second side would also fall, and they would say: “There is no god but Allah and Allah is the Greatest,” that the gates would be opened for them and they would enter therein and, they would be collecting spoils of war and distributing them amongst themselves that a noise would be heard and It would be said: Verily, Dajjal (False or Anti-Messiah) has come. And thus they would leave everything there and would turn to him (the Dajjal or the anti-Messiah). (Saheh Muslim).”


The Hurva (Churvah) Synagogue (Israel’s National Synagogue) rebuild in 1864 by the Disciples of the Vilna Gaon and again in 2010 after Blown up by Jordan in 1948; preparing Jerusalem for the Revealing of the Jewish Messiah, Maschiach ben Dovid

 The new prophetic insight from the Vilna Gaon as to the final days is eye-revealing in that Istanbul, the capital of Turkey today is a NATO partner with the European Union and the United States. Now as the capital of Turkey, and also a NATO partner, this august city, may soon may be recognized by the Islamic Mahdi as part of the anti-Messiah system called the Dajjal. At the same time, if the Lost Pashtun Bani-Israelites in Khorasan do invade ancient Constantinople, it may be in collaboration with Putin’s Russia, who, with China is already the backbone of the Islamic nuclear program in Iran and Assad’s genocidal Syria. So will Putin’s Russia along with China seek to destroy or take possession of one of NATO strong military friends and assets?

Why would Putin want to invade Constantinople or Istanbul today? Even though the State of Turkey appears in western eyes to be an Islamic State, it was a founding member of the United Nations in 1945, was elected as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council in 2008 and a permanent member on January 1, 2009. Turkey as the second largest standing armed force in NATO after the American armed forces. They have almost a half a million forces that can be deployed. 

Out of 26 nations that are a part of NATO, only five NATO members are a part of the nuclear sharing policies of the alliance; Belgium, Germany, Italy, Netherlands and Turkey.  Not only that the “Crown Jewel” of Turkey’s military is the Incirlik Air Base that today hosts 90 American B61 nuclear bombers of which 40 are dedicated for the Turkish Air Force so that in the presence of a nuclear conflict with the permission of NATO, 40 of those bombers are dedicated for the Turkish Air Force.

In other words, Turkey is the gateway from the Far East, Near East and Middle East to Western Europe. No wonder Putin would covet control of Istanbul and the Islamic Mahdi would seek to wrestle the military assets of the “Crown Jewel” of NATO for the Islamic forces of Allah.

If the abduction of the Crimean Peninsula, once the stronghold of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel during the 4th to the 1st century BCE and today now annexed by Russia is permanent, then what would it take to invade Istanbul and take possession of the once august capital of the Eastern Roman Empire in Constantinople? Would this be a part of the Russian’s ruthless bid to take possession of NATO’s “Crown Jewel”, the city of Istanbul while entering the heartland of the Islamic world at the Straits of the Dardanelles?

Then we might ask, would the 70,000 man army of the Mahdi also be a part of a bi-polar thrust to lock down NATO’s military assets that it is using in Turkey to support the greater war to come, as the military assets of the globalists of America and the European Union confront the military assets of the globalists seeking world dominion over Russia and China. Who better, than Russia and America, would be at the fulcrum of this coming global war than the Great War between the Oriental and the Occidental worlds as shown to the Prophet Daniel in chapter 8 called the “Prophecy of the Ram and the He Goat” in Destination Yisrael’s blog titled, “World War III looms on the Horizon as the War of Daniel 8 is about to Erupt with Great Fury when Iran confronts America”? 

With the collapse of Istanbul to the Islamic forces of the Mahdi, why is the anti-Messiah, called by Islam as the Dajjal suddenly now appearing in Damascus? Why do the forces of the Mahdi suddenly withdraw without taking full possession of the Eastern capital of ancient Rome and plunder her ancient treasures?  The major land bridge to invade Iran from the west is Turkey. With Turkey in the hands now of Russia, and Saudi Arabia and the Arab Oil States now prepared to go alone without America to topple Shiite Iran, the only aerial land bridge from the west will have to be through Israel, Syria and Jordan. This is how the He-Goat from the west, as seen by the Prophet Daniel from the Persian palace of Shushan in vision, “el-al” flew over the land from one end of the earth to the other as he confronted the Persian Ram empowered by the might of its two great horns, Russia and China.

As the “Crown Jewel” of NATO appears to be in the hand of the Islamic messiah, The Mahdi, the Bani-Israelite forces quickly retreat and head directly to Damascus preparing to confront the Dajjal, the military forces of NATO and the United States. Will Obama’s American forces, fronting for the Shabbatean Rothschild forces of the Illuminati, now be there prepared to take possession of Damascus, the capital of Syria, where President, Bashar Assad has killed over 150,000 of its own people? This is the Syrian civil war where many Syrians were killed by chemical weapons of mass destruction given by Saddam Hussein to Syria, and now were unleashed upon Syria’s own peoples?

If the Vilna Gaon, one of the greatest rabbinic minds in Jewish history was given a prophetic message almost 250 years ago witnessing the annexation of the land of Crimea to the Russian Federation, then maybe we might want to take a second look at our lives and see if we are prepared to witness the catastrophic events about to be unleashed upon Planet Earth at the “time of the End”?  Prepare your hearts for what may be ahead in our lives as revealed by the Tzaddiks, the Righteous Jewish Sages of Judah. 

Russia approves use of armed forces abroad – and plans to evacuate diplomatic staff from Kyiv

Russian legislators have given President Vladimir Putin permission to use armed forces abroad.

© Rex Features Some Western leaders have said Russian troops have moved into Ukraine’s east – and the US called it an ‘invasion’. Pic: Yuri Kochetkov/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

The decision by the upper house of parliament takes immediate effect – and it could presage a broader attack on Ukraine.

It comes as Russia said it was evacuating its diplomatic personnel from Ukraine because they had received threats.

White House declares Russian activity in Donbas an ‘invasion’ – latest Ukraine updates

Ukraine calls up military reservists

In response, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced he was calling up some of the country’s military reservists, but said there was no need for a full military mobilisation.

© Sky A map showing the regions of eastern Ukraine that Russia has recognised as independent

On Monday, Moscow recognised the independence of Russian-backed rebel regions in eastern Ukraine.

Some Western leaders have said Russian troops had moved into Ukraine’s east – and the US called it an “invasion”.

Ukraine key developments:

  • UK targets five Russian banks and three oligarchs with sanctions
  • EU sanctions Russian MPs who voted in favour of recognition
  • White House refers to Russian troop deployments as an ‘invasion’
  • Ukrainian president considering breaking off diplomatic ties with Russia
  • Germany halts approval of Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline


Russia planning ‘full-scale’ attack, NATO says

In Brussels, NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg said Russia is planning for a “full-scale” attack on its neighbour.

© Reuters Ukrainian service members ride atop tanks during tactical drills at a training ground in an unknown location in Ukraine

“Every indication is that Russia is continuing to plan for a full-scale attack of Ukraine,” he told a news conference.

However, it was unclear how large the Russian troop movements were. Ukraine and its allies have long said Russian troops are already fighting in the region, though Moscow denies those allegations.

Moscow claims deployment is a ‘peacekeeping’ mission

The upper house’s decision allows Mr Putin to deploy Russian military forces to the two separatist-held regions in eastern Ukraine in what Moscow has called a “peacekeeping” mission.


“By approving the use of the armed forces abroad, we assume they will be peacekeeping forces – forces designed to maintain peace and stability in the (self-proclaimed east Ukrainian) republics,” Valentina Matvienko, the upper house’s speaker, said before the vote.



As Russian MPs met to discuss the vote, the Kremlin announced Mr Putin had ratified friendship treaties with the two breakaway republics – a move Russia says allows it to build military bases there as well as deploy troops, agree a joint defence posture and tighten economic integration.

EU to sanction Russian officials over Ukraine actions

The 27 European Union nations have unanimously agreed an initial set of sanctions targeting Russian officials over their actions in Ukraine, France’s foreign minister has said.

EU foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell said the package, which was approved on Tuesday, “will hurt Russia, and it will hurt a lot”.

He said the sanctions would affect members of Russia’s lower house of parliament and other individuals involved in approving the deployment of Russian troops to rebel-held regions of eastern Ukraine.

President Joe Biden also announced that the US would sanction Russian oligarchs in retaliation for actions against Ukraine, before warning of further measures.

The move came after the UK issued sanctions targeting five Russian banks and three oligarchs, freezing their UK assets and banning travel to Britain.

Read more:

What will happen if Vladimir Putin chooses all-out war?

How big are Russia and Ukraine’s militaries?

Can Moscow withstand more sanctions?

Ukraine considers cutting diplomatic ties with Russia

Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said he will consider breaking diplomatic ties with Russia. Kyiv also recalled its ambassador in Moscow.

It comes amid an ongoing crisis in the region, with Western powers bracing for a Russian invasion for weeks after it massed an estimated 150,000 troops on three sides of Ukraine.

US announces sanctions against Russia and moves hundreds of troops to protect NATO allies


4 hrs ago

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Joe Biden has announced the first wave of US sanctions against Russia in retaliation for Moscow’s actions in Ukraine.

© Associated Press President Joe Biden announces sanctions on Russia and warned its activities in Ukraine were the ‘beginning of an invasion’

The US president said the penalties would be slapped on Russian banks and oligarchs.

Mr Biden told reporters that the deployment of Russian troops in eastern Ukraine after Vladimir Putin recognised the independence of two separatist-held regions marked the “beginning of an invasion”.

Mr Biden said his Russian counterpart was “setting up a rationale to take more territory by force” and he warned that Moscow would “pay an even steeper price if it continues its aggression”.

The US leader also said he had authorised the movement of additional forces and equipment to bolster NATO allies Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

Ukraine key developments:

  • 800 US military personnel will be moved from Italy to Baltic region
  • Up to eight US F35 jets moved from Germany to sites along NATO’s eastern flank
  • Ukrainian president calls up reservists but rules out general mobilisation
  • UK targets five Russian banks and three oligarchs with sanctions
  • EU sanctions Russian MPs who voted in favour of recognition
  • Germany halts approval of Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline



Mr Biden said: “I’m going to begin to impose sanctions in response, far beyond the steps we and our allies and partners implemented in 2014.”


The latest sanctions target Russia’s VEB bank and the country’s military bank, Promsvyazbank, which does defence deals.

Read more: How do Russia and Ukraine military’s compare?

The sanctions are also being applied to Russia’s sovereign debt.

“We have cut off Russia’s government from Western financing. It can no longer raise money from the West,” he told reporters at the White House.

He said they were just the “first tranche” of what the US and its allies were ready to put in place if Russia launches a larger invasion, with around 150,000 Russian troops massed on Ukraine’s borders.


Mr Biden also said that from Wednesday he would impose sanctions on Russian oligarchs and their families.

Read more: How strong is NATO’s position in eastern Europe?

Meanwhile, an infantry battalion taskforce of 800 US personnel will head to the Baltic region from Italy.

Also, up to eight F-35 fighter jets will be moved from Germany to locations along NATO’s eastern flank, 20 apache helicopters will be deployed to the Baltic region from Germany, and 12 apache helicopters will head to Poland from Greece.

“We will defend every inch of NATO territory,” he said, adding: “We have no intention of fighting Russia.”

Read more: Who are the key players in the Ukraine crisis?

In a fast-moving crisis, Russian legislators earlier gave President Putin permission to use armed forces abroad, with the move a possible sign towards a broader attack on Ukraine.

Moscow recognised the independence of Russian-backed rebel Luhansk and Donetsk regions in eastern Ukraine on Monday.

Mr Putin has laid out three conditions to end the crisis. He called for international recognition of Crimea as part of Russia, an end to Ukraine’s NATO membership bid and a halt to weapons shipments to the country.

The West condemned Crimea’s 2014 annexation as a violation of international law and has rejected permanently barring Ukraine from joining NATO.

Earlier on Tuesday, Boris Johnson said the UK was sanctioning five Russian private banks and three oligarchs, freezing their UK assets and banning travel to Britain.

The prime minister told the House of Commons it was the “first tranche” and “first barrage” of measures, in response to Russian troops moving into two separatist regions in eastern Ukraine.

One of the private banks was Bank Rossiya, based in St Petersburg, and the UK government mistakenly listed its address as Neglinnaya, 12, Moscow, 107016, Russia – which is the address of Russia’s central bank, known in Russian as Bank Rossiya.

The Foreign Office later issued an update to make “administrative corrections to two listings under the Russia sanctions regime” which gave the bank’s correct address.

The EU also issued sanctions aimed at 351 Russian politicians who voted to recognise the breakaway regions, as well as 27 other Russian officials and institutions from defence and banking.

They also sought to limit Moscow’s access to EU capital and financial markets.

Statement by the U.S. Embassy Ukraine Chargé d’Affaires Kristina Kvien

Home News & Events | Statement by the U.S. Embassy Ukraine Chargé d’Affaires Kristina Kvien


February 22, 2022
Lviv, Ukraine, Market Square, before “Black House,” Lviv History Museum.

The United States condemns Russia’s brazen attempt to usurp Ukraine’s sovereign territory by announcing the recognition of parts of the Donbas as independent states.

As Secretary Blinken said yesterday, this action represents a complete rejection of Russia’s commitments under the Minsk agreements and directly contradicts Russia’s claimed commitment to diplomacy. 

We all heard the speech President Putin delivered yesterday.  His outrageous statements about Ukraine and the Ukrainian people were delusional, reflecting a warped vision reminiscent, not of a global leader, but of Europe’s worst authoritarians.

Ukraine was created by the Ukrainian people, who boast a rich and unique culture, as exhibited in the museum behind me, and which has grown ever stronger since the yoke of Soviet repression was thrown off.

The Ukrainians have fought off repeated attempts by President Putin to undermine their progress as a modern, western democracy.   They have prevailed before and they will prevail now.

President Putin’s latest breach of international laws and norms will be met by a forceful response from the United States.

Yesterday, President Biden signed an executive order that prohibits all new investment, trade and financing by U.S. persons to, from, or in the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk Peoples Republics.

And we continue to coordinate with our Allies and partners to take additional steps in response to this unprovoked and unacceptable action by Russia.

Let us make no mistake, President Putin’s reckless actions not only threaten Ukraine, but the entire international order that has maintained global peace and security since World War II.

The international community stands with Ukraine, united in condemning President Putin’s vision, his actions, and his intentions.

Russia-Ukraine latest: Explosions, arrests and tanks on the front line as Putin moves troops into Donbas


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Russia has not yet acknowledged that its troops have entered Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region, but those on the ground are clear the tanks have rolled in.

Vladislav Brig, a member of the separatist local council in Donetsk, said Russian military had moved in and taken up positions in the north and west of the region.

And witnesses reported seeing convoys of armoured vehicles rolling into the separatist territories on Monday evening, although no insignia was visible on them.

Romanian journalist Mircea Barbu told i that the atmosphere in Mariupol, a prosperous port city in Donetsk, was “eerie”, with empty streets and long queues at cash machines as people prepared to leave. In one petrol station, gas prices changed three or four times while he was buying coffee.

Fear is spreading after Vladimir Putin declared that Russia considers the separatist regions of Donetsk and Luhansk – known collectively as the Donbas – as independent and in need of being defended from Ukraine aggression with “peacekeeping” forces.

Andrey Rudenko, a deputy Russian foreign minister, said Moscow had not yet talked about setting up military bases in eastern Ukraine but its two draft treaties would allow it to do so and it would be ready to act if needed.

The Russian parliament on Tuesday granted Mr Putin permission to deploy armed forces in eastern Ukraine.

The White House said Russia’s actions amounted to an invasion. Jon Finer, US national security adviser, said: “An invasion is an invasion and that is what is underway.”

At least seven tanks were spotted in and around the city of Donetsk, according to Reuters.

Shelling has also resumed on the frontline between the Ukraine government and separatist forces in the region, according to reports from the special monitoring mission in Ukraine for the Organisation for Security of Co-operation in Europe (Osce).

Smoke was seen billowing from a power plant in Shchastya in the Luhansk region following shelling on Tuesday.

© Provided by The i Flames and smoke rise from the thermal power plant, which local authorities say was damaged by shelling, near the frontline in the town of Shchastya in the Luhansk region.(Photo: Press service of the Ukrainian State Emergency Service/Reuters)

The Osce has recorded increased military activity in the area over the past few days with 1,100 explosions in Donetsk over the weekend and 926 in Luhansk, and there have been reports from both sides of targeted attacks and deaths.

Russian-backed separatists claimed on Monday that four civilians were killed in shelling by Ukraine government forces – which Kyiv vehemently denied. Meanwhile, the Ukraine’s Defence Ministry said two Ukrainian soldiers were killed on Monday and 12 others were injured in the shelling in eastern Ukraine.

It said there had been 152 attacks on civilian targets in Donetsk and Luhansk the last five days, with one civilian killed and five injured. Almost 50 homes and four schools and colleges are reported to have been damaged in the attacks.

Ukrainian Border Guards said in Shchastya, a crossing point for international humanitarian organisations at the Line of Contact, had been closed since early Sunday morning due to shelling and a UNHCR convoy that used the crossing point on Friday had been caught in crossfire.

Russian forces said they had killed five “saboteurs” who breached the southwest border with Ukraine on Monday. A Russian Federal Security Service border patrol reportedly identified a sabotage and reconnaissance group that had breached the border in the Rostov region, prompting it to call troops for backup.

Separatists said the “sabotage” group entered the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) near the Russian border earlier on Monday and blew up an artillery and ammunition storage in the Novoazovsky district before trying to reach the border.

Ukraine’s military dismissed it as fake news.

The Ukraine Government has consistently denied Moscow’s claims it has attacked Russian territory or civilians in eastern Ukrainian regions held by the pro-Russia rebels.

As violence in the region has escalated, there has been a mass evacuation of women, children and the elderly from the separatist regions into Russia over the past week.

Pictures have emerged of displaced civilians being housed in a sports hall in Taganrog in southern Russia to escape the fighting.

© Provided by The i Civilians from the Donetsk and Luhansk regions pictured at a sports hall in Taganrog, Russia following evacuation (Photo: AP)

With fears of a full-scale invasion now imminent, US officials have warned of intelligence suggesting Russia has drawn up a hit-list of prominent Ukrainians to be arrested “killed or sent to camps” once it enters Ukraine.

A letter from the US Ambassador to the UN to the UN high Commissioner for Human Rights alleged Russia’s post-invasion planning would involve torture, forced disappearances and “widespread human suffering”.

He wrote: “We have credible information that indicates Russian forces are creating lists of identified Ukrainians to be killed or sent to camps following a military occupation”.

Likely targets are said to be those who oppose Russian actions, journalists and anti-corruption activists, as well as religious and ethnic minorities and LGBTQI+ persons.

Videos appear to show Russian armed forces moving deep into separatist region of Ukraine

Business Insider International

A tank drives along a street in Donetsk, Ukraine, on February 22, 2022.REUTERS/Alexander Ermochenko

  • Video footage suggests the Russian military is already deep in two pro-Moscow regions of Ukraine.
  • Putin declared the regions as independent on Monday and ordered a “peacekeeping” mission.
  • Western powers believe the move is likely a precursor to a comprehensive invasion of Ukraine. 

Video footage shot Monday night appears to show Russian armed forces and tanks active deep in the pro-Moscow Donbas region of Ukraine.

Late Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the military to march into the Donbas on what the Kremlin described as a “peacekeeping” mission.

Hours earlier, Putin had recognized the independence of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) following a rubber-stamp meeting of his security council

The republics declared independence from Ukraine in 2014, and have been controlled by Kremlin-backed separatists ever since.

Reports and video footage from both major news outlets and Russian state-run media suggest Putin’s forces are already deep in the regions, which Western powers still consider part of Ukraine.

Early Tuesday morning, Reuters published footage that it said showed Russian “tanks and other military hardware on the outskirts of Donetsk.”

Late Monday night, Alain Barluet, Moscow correspondent for French newspaper Le Figaro, tweeted a video of what he said were Russia tanks moving toward the city of Donetsk.

Al-Jazeera also published footage of what it said were Russian military vehicles in Donetsk.

The Russian state media outlet Interfax reported early Tuesday morning that two columns of unspecified armored vehicles were seen entering the DPR and heading north and west.

Western officials have also confirmed the incursion.

“Russian troops have entered Donbas,” Josep Borrell, the EU’s top diplomat told reporters. ”I wouldn’t say that it is a fully-fledged invasion, but Russian troops are on Ukrainian soil.”

Ukraine’s ambassador to the UK Vadym Prystaiko told radio station LBC Tuesday: ”People on the ground will see Russian soldiers on their streets.”

“We have seen that Putin has recognised breakaway eastern regions in Ukraine and from the reports we can already tell that he has sent in tanks and troops,” UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid said on Sky News Tuesday.

Western officials fear Putin will use the incursion into the Donbas as a springboard for launching a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. 

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, in an address to his nation early Tuesday morning, however, said he is “not afraid” and “will not concede anything to anyone.”

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken issued a statement Monday condemning Russia’s actions.

The decision to recognize the independence of the “so-called ‘Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics’” is a “clear attack on Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” Blinken said. 


28th JANUARY 2011-22…..!!!!!

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TROC Reading Chapter 7 The Jerusalem UFO event  <<“TRUTH”. AND DON’T FORGET TO SHARE, SHARE, SHARE, SHARE, SHARE. For the “TRUTH” you have been searching for all your life.

Christ/Isa/HaMashiach has returned and is walking the earth today. And the script is not playing out as most if not ALL religions were expecting. His name was not Jesus 2000 years ago It was Yeshua. (Google it). Yeshua means salvation. Whereas Jesus was derived from the name Yeshu (without the “a” on the end). It was an insult requested by the Pharisees that the Romans carried out for them. Yeshu actually meant, “may his name be obliterated from all memory.” Because the Pharisees did not want the title of “The king of the Jews” to be put on the cross. Also, the letter J was not even in use until the 1600′s A.D.Yeshua died for and because of all mankind’s sins. And salvation and redemption can only be achieved through Christ: John 14:6: Yeshua said to him, “I AM THE LIVING GOD, The Way and The Truth and The Life; no man comes to my Father but by me alone.” In fact, the name Jesus is the profaned name referred to in Ezekiel 39:7“And my holy name I will make known in the midst of my people Israel, and I will not let my holy name be profaned anymore. And the nations shall know that I am the LORD, the Holy One in Israel. 8Behold, it is coming and it will be brought about, declares the Lord GOD. That is the day of which I have spoken. “Make known in the midst of my people IS-RA-EL

The whole world apart from the few elites have been deceived by Satan’s deception

Revelation clearly states that Christ would return with an unknown name.

REVELATION 19:12-13.  12And his eyes were like flames of fire, and many diadems were upon his head and he had The Name written, which no one knew but he alone.13And he wore a garment soaked with blood, and his name is called The Word of God. Ra=Word El=God in Egyptian Hebrew(very important). Yeshua’s same spirit has returned as Lord RayEl/Christ RayEl/King RayEl and he returned on the 28th January 2011. In the 4 minute video above. You can actually witness Christ RayEl’s holy spirit descending over the dome of the rock in Jerusalem, fulfilling the scripture of Acts 1:11And they were saying to them, “Galilean men, why are you standing and gazing into the sky? This Yeshua, who was taken up from you into Heaven shall come in this way, as when you saw him going up into Heaven.” And Matthew 24:27For just as lightning goes out from The East and appears unto The West, so will the coming of The Son of Man be. . He has fulfilled many biblical prophecies since. Which you can read about if you click >>>HERE<<<. Also, all can be read in the most controversial “THE RETURN OF CHRIST” book by Angelus Domini. All of Christ’s actual teaching, “YES” the actual “CHRIST” teachings which can be read here either for FREE* or from Amazon below. But you have only got to look around you to KNOW there is very little time left before the “GREAT RESET”.


“IF” Matthew Lovell (The only way is ethics)


Matthew 10:34 Think not that I have come to bring peace in the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35I have come to divide a man against his father and a daughter against her mother and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, 36And a man’s enemies will be the members of his household.

Jane Casson The Blood sacrifice

The REAL truth on why ALL Christians think the way THEY do…!!!

Today is the 11 year anniversary of the return of Christ. Most people say, “What has he done for these 11 years.” Well, the answer to that is “TAKE A GOOD LOOK AROUND YOU, AND SEE THE TURMOIL THE WORLD IS CURRENTLY IN.” Then re-read the Matthew 10:34-36 Scripture above, and tell the (EOC=Ecumenical Order of Christ) that scripture is not being fulfilled. In FACT the scripture: Matthew 7:21It is not everyone that says to me, ‘My Lord, my Lord”, who enters the Kingdom of Heaven, but whoever does the will of my Father who is in Heaven. Applies to the Jehovah’s Witnesses AND the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The LDS are currently attempting to construct a 3rd Temple, as it is THEIR belief that it is their destiny to achieve this. However, the Temple has ALREADY been constructed. AND is NOT of this earth see: John 18:36Yeshua said to him, “My Kingdom is not from this world; if my Kingdom were of this world, my servants would be fighting that I would not have been delivered up to the Judeans, but now my Kingdom is not from here.” So rather than waste time and money building THEIR 3rd Temple, which incidentally, we KNOW is in Jerusalem. Which “IF” one knows in Zechariah/Revelation in the Bible, and as much as it pains me to type this purely because of the suffering the people of Jerusalem will have to endure. Although the Rabbi’s have been warned, some of the people have been warned, the Knesset has been warned FOR 11 YEARS NOW. Jerusalem is about to enter this phase: By the splitting of the mount of olives in Zechariah 14:1Behold, the day of LORD YAHWEH comes, and your property shall be divided among you 2And I shall gather all the nations to Jerusalem for battle, and the city shall be seized and the houses shall be plundered and the women shall be shamefully treated, and half of the city will go forth into captivity, and half of the people will not be destroyed from the city 3And LORD YAHWEH shall go forth and he shall fight with those nations like the day that he fought in the day of war 4And his feet shall stand on the Mountain of Olives that is opposite Jerusalem at its east, and the Mountain of Olives shall be divided, half of it to the East and half of it to the West, and a very great valley will be in it, and half of the mountain shall be left to the north and half to the south 5And you shall flee to the valley of the mountains, because their valley of the mountains shall reach to the affliction, and you shall flee as you fled from before the earthquake that occurred in the days of Uzzia, King of Judea, and LORD YAHWEH my God will enter, and all his Holy Ones with him! The LDS/JW’s would be much better off investing THEIR time and money into paying TRIBUTE to THEIR Lord and KING-Lord RayEl. Opportunity to donate below. We are NOT expecting ANY tribute as per the teaching from Jane Casson and myself (above). However, for the script to play out as per the Bible. The opportunity HAS to be offered to YOU the LDS & JW’s et al… Also here in Baja, Mexico. Miracles happen every day so one never knows.

So one more time for the cheap seats: 

Why does Christ need the money???

The question I am asked the most is: Why does Christ need money?

People say that 2000 years ago he didn’t need money. When in all reality, there are reports in the bible that he was a carpenter until he started his ministry when he turned 30. So yes, he did need money.

The truth is, Satan has made modern-day society dependent on it for most. So that people are slaves to the system. Some people very, very highly regard money as their God. They are only motivated by greed and material things. And Satans biggest tool is the TV and media advertising, which forces the weak to want more and more. There was a study in cinemas in the ’50s in the USA where they would flash up on the screens for a fraction of a second: “Drink more coke, and eat more popcorn” and sales went up approx 75% in the foyers.

The Tavistock Institute in London has been responsible for the mind control of humans for some time now. Although the image they portray of themselves to the public is quite the opposite. So what I am trying to explain is that hu-mans, automatically assume that having lots of money will bring them joy and happiness. When this is simply not true. Haggai 2:8 states: Mine is the silver and mine is the gold, says LORD JEHOVAH of Hosts. This is true, Almighty God WILL have the Gold and silver before the script plays out. In fact, all silver and gold will be thrown into the streets by people as they will soon understand that they should have paid tribute to the Lord: See Ezekiel 7:19 They shall throw their silver into the streets and their gold. Their silver shall be despised and their gold cannot save them in the day of the anger of LORD Yahweh. Their souls will not be satisfied and they shall not fill their bellies. This suffering is the reward of their evils… But and it is a BIG BUT. Money soon will have no intrinsic value to anyone. So whilst it still has value to humans. One can show one’s loyalty, honour, and respect to Christ by tithing. Tithing to the Lord is biblical. You can find it in several places in the old testament. In Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Yes, it goes back before Christ’s existence. And “IF” you accept Christ RayEl as your Lord and King. It is only rightful that one tithe. The day will soon come when ALL will realize “we cannot eat money.”… And also keep in mind Matthew 4:4 But he answered and said, “It is written: ‘A man does not live by bread only, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ “

Food for thought…!!!

Tribute addresses


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Warnings from Lord RayEl




All Official VIDEOS >>HERE<<  << Christ RayEl’s Official website  << Official proof website


JOIN HIM OFFICIALLY HERE  >>> Followers of the returned Christ.




TEACHINGS HERE>>>  …This is NOT your average religious establishment. This experience is NOTHING like you have witnessed before. We hope you are prepared to understand that ALL CURRENT RELIGIONS ARE MISGUIDED, AND WE HAVE TO BE HONEST WITH YOU ALL. THEY ARE WRONG…This on the other hand is Christ RayEl’s establishment. ALL are welcome. Muslim, Jew, Christian, Atheist, Hindu, Buddhist, Straight-Gay. Yes, ALL get a chance.

 King RayEl has fulfilled many biblical prophecies since. Which you can read about if you click >>>HERE<<<






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HAIL…..KING RayEl…..!!!!!




 HAIL…..KING RayEl…..!!!!!

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    • Adi Da Samraj

      🌩️ In Making This Testament, I have been Meditating every one, Contacting every one, Dealing With psychic forces everywhere, in all time. My Dawn Horse Testament is an Always Living Conversation between Me and absolutely every one.
      🌩️ I Intend that this Avataric Divine Word of Mine always Communicate in present time, not like some traditional Scriptures that take the form of a recounting of something that happened in the past or a “theatrical” dialogue between two (perhaps fictional) characters in the book. I Intend that this Avataric Divine Word of Mine be a Living Dialogue between Me (As I Am) and whoever is reading (or listening to) this Testament at the moment. 🌩️

      📢 What Must Be Done 📢

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