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She Died and Wound Up in Hell at 15 Years Old!

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The following is excerpted from the testimony of Jennifer Perez

My testimony starts on May 2nd, 1997.  I had a friend, and we were only friends, nothing more, and he knew that.  I thought I had gotten to know him, but in fact, I didn’t really know who he was.  That night, he called me and asked if I could go out.  My parents weren’t home.  They were at a prayer meeting, like every Friday.  I told them I wanted to stay home because I felt sick.  I was also mad at them because I had plans to go out that night with a different friend, but my parents didn’t let me go.  So I asked to stay home, and they let me.  When they went to the Prayer meeting, my friend called me.  He said, “Why don’t you go out, everybody else is going out?“  I thought to myself, “I don’t want to be disobedient to my parents, but maybe if I sneak out, my parents would never know“, so that’s what I did.

That night when my parents got home, and they fell asleep.  I was all ready to sneak out so I called my friend and told him to wait for me at the corner of my street.  I told him not to pass by my house, because it might wake up my parents, and ruin everything.  So I put pillows under my blanket and climbed out of my window.  I live in a two story house, and all the windows of my house have screws in them.  But since my parents trusted me, my window didn’t have any screws.  So I took advantage of my parents trust.  Since I live in a two story house, I jumped off the roof and I landed on the ground.  The Lord had everything planned, because I could have broken my leg, and that would have stopped everything the Lord had planned for me.  

I walked down the street, and my friend was already there.  But when I got in the car, I saw 3 guys and 1 other girl.  I thought to myself, “I’m not going to do anything, yea, I’ll get high, do drugs, drink“.  But when there are 3 guys and 1 other girl, I feared they could take advantage of me.  But I got in the car, and we left.  Before, when I was talking to my friend on the phone, he said that we were just going to go cruising around the town.  I said “OK that sounds like fun“, that’s why I went.  I never thought he was going to take me to a motel.  That’s where they took me. 

When we got there, they dropped me off at a laundry service room, belonging to the motel.  They told us to wait there; they said that they were going to pick up another friend.  I said ok, but I guess they left to rent a room.   When they came back and picked us up, they took us to that room.  They said, “Don’t worry, put your trust in us! We aren’t going to do anything, we’re just going to wait for our other friend to come, and then we’ll all leave together“.  So I put trust in my friends, I thought they would never hurt me, but in fact I really didn’t know who my friends were. 

At first, we were just talking, so I said, “while we’re waiting, why don’t we get something to drink?“  So my friend and I left the room, and walked to this little restaurant in front of the motel.  We bought three Sprites and then walked back to the room.  They started pouring the Sprite into cups.  They didn’t bring a bag or anything that looked suspicious, that would make me think they were going to put something in my drink, or do something to me.  It all looked innocent. 

I went to the restroom to fix my hair and do girl things, and when I came out my cup was already served.  I put some gum in my mouth, strawberry, and I drank what I thought was my Sprite.  After this, I don’t know what happened. 

But when I could see, I felt my spirit come out of my body.  I was already at the hospital; I saw the doctors and nurses all around me.  When I was out of my body, I saw my body on the bed.  You know how you look at yourself in the mirror, you see a reflection.  But I didn’t see a reflection of myself, I saw my body there on the bed.  When I turned around, there were 2 men dressed in red, “come our way” and they grabbed me, one at each arm.

They took me to a place, and when I looked to see where I was, it was heaven!  The first thing that I saw was a great big wall.  It was white and stretched out so far that it didn’t have any end.  In the middle of the wall was a door, a long door, but it was closed. 

In the Old Testament, Moses speaks of the tabernacle and describes its features.  And I remembered this, and I saw that the wall looked like it.  Right beside the door, there was a large chair, and there was a smaller chair on the right side.  And they looked like they were made out of gold.  On my right side, there was a large black door, it was so dark around, but I knew it was a door because of the knob.  It was an ugly door.  But on my left side there was a paradise, there were trees, a crystal clear water fall, and grass.  It was such a peaceful place, but there was nobody there. 

I looked and I saw the Father in front of me, I couldn’t see His face, because His glory, it was so big, so bright, it shined and lit up all heaven.  His glory made everything bright.  There was no sun, no moon, no stars, He was the light.  I did see His body, and his body was with the Son, they were one inside each other, they were together, you could see the separation of them, but they were one inside the other, they were together.

Right beside them were 2 angels, Gabriel and Michael.  The reason I knew their name was because it was written on their foreheads in Gold. 

When I was in front of the Father, I felt dirty!  I fell to my knees and cried.  I was very ashamed of myself.  Even if I could see their faces, I didn’t want to, because I was ashamed of myself.  As I was there in front of the Lord, He showed me a movie of my life, from the beginning until now.  He told me that the most important part was the things that I did after I was saved.  I told my friends I was a Christian, but in fact I didn’t show my fruits.  And He told me that I was destined to go to Hell. 

The angel Gabriel came and grabbed me by my arm.  He took me to that ugly black door that I didn’t even want to look at.  I tried to stop myself, but I was in spirit, and we went through the door.  When I was on the other side of the door, it was dark all around, I couldn’t even see myself.  Then we started to fall really fast, like a roller coaster.  As I was falling it was getting hotter and hotter.  I closed my eyes; I didn’t want to see where we were. 

When we stopped, I opened my eyes, and I was standing on a great road.  I didn’t know where it leads to.  But the first thing that I felt there was thirst.  I was really thirsty!  I kept telling the angel “I’m thirsty, I’m thirsty” But it was like he didn’t even hear me.  I started to cry, and when the tears ran down my cheeks, they completely evaporated.  There was the smell of sulfur, like burning tires.  I tried to cover my nose, but that made it even worse.  All my 5 senses were very sensitive.  When I tried to cover myself, I could smell the sulfur even more.  Also, all those little hairs on my arms, they just disappeared.  I felt all the heat, it was very hot.

When I started looking around, I saw people being tormented by demons.  There was a lady there suffering, a demon was torturing her.  This demon would cut off her head and with his long spear he would stab her everywhere.  He didn’t care.  In her eyes, in here body, in her feet, in here hands, he didn’t care.  Then he would put her head back on her body and would stab her and stab her.  She would cry with screams of agony. 

Then I saw another demon, this demon was torturing a young man about the age of 21-23.  This man had a chain around his neck, and was standing in front of a pit of fire. This demon would stab him everywhere with a long spear, in his eyes, everywhere.  Then the demon would grab him by his hair and with the chains he would throw this man into this pit of fire, then take him back out and would stab him and stab him.  This would go on continually, and every time he would go inside that pit, I couldn’t hear his screams, but when the demon would take him out, he would scream with agony.  I tried to cover my ears because the sound was so horrible, but I could still hear.  My hearing was more sensitive. 

I looked at another demon, and this demon was ugly, the other 2 were ugly to, but this one was the ugliest.  He had characteristics of many different animals; I can’t even explain it with words.  He would go around and scare people, and the people would be really scared.  

And then I saw another demon, but this demon was a beautiful demon, he looked like an angel of God, but he wasn’t.  The difference between the angels of God and the demons was that the demon did not have their name written on their forehead with Gold, but the angels of God did. 

After that, I looked back at the angel Gabriel, and he was looking up.  I thought he didn’t want to see the others being tortured.  I thought to myself, “why is he still here? Aren’t I suppose to be there waiting for my turn to be tortured?“  I was also thirsty.  And I cried out to the angel, “I’m thirsty I’m thirsty,” I think he heard me because he looked down on me; and he said, “the Lord is going to give you one more chance.“ 

Immediately when he said that, all my thirst, all my agony, all my hurting, it just went away.  I felt peaceful.  And then he grabbed me by my hand and we were about to rise, but suddenly I heard my name being called, “Jennifer, Help me, Help me!“  I looked down.  I wanted to see who it was, but when I did the flames blocked their face.  It sounded like a girl’s voice.  I could only see her hands stretched out, wanted me to help her.  I had such a desire, such a want to help her.  When I tried, I couldn’t, because my hand went right through hers.  I wanted to help her so much, but you see, she didn’t have any hope.  I couldn’t help her. 

And then I looked around and I saw my friends, people that I knew, and other people.  They looked familiar but I didn’t know who they were.  I didn’t know their lives, but when I saw friends from my school there, it hurt me!.  I thought to myself, “maybe the bad testimony that I was giving them, of saying that I was a Christian but turning back, made them not want to know about God, and turn away from Him.  Maybe it was me that brought them their”.  That’s what I thought.  I saw that in Hell there is no time, there is no past, present, future, everything is the same, and they are destined to go there.  But like I said in the beginning, I don’t want to make up any doctrine, but that is what I saw their.  The people that I saw there are still alive today.  

Then the angel took me back into the presence of God.  When I was standing before Him I was on my knees crying and crying.  I still didn’t want to look upon His face, because I was ashamed of myself.  But the Lord, with such sweetness in His voice said, “I love you.“  His love is just like He loves you who are listening to me.  But He told it directly to me.  He said He forgave me for everything that I have done when I offended Him.  He forgave me. 

God looked at me and He showed me many things.  He showed me the world, the earth.  Around the earth I saw something soft, like the ozone layer, it was around the world, it looked very soft, and I had such a desire to touch it.  When I touched it, I realized it was the Holy Spirit, because it baptized me, and I began to speak in other tongues. 

During that time, I looked up and many evil spirits came out of me.  When I would get high and do drugs, that would mess with my mind and would open doors, and these evil spirits would come into me.  They would torture me.  The way that I would act was not really me, it was the evil spirits inside of me.  In the Word of God it says that when your house is cleaned, evil spirits would try to come back by bringing 7 other evil spirits.  My house was cleaned when I got saved.  And I saw these evil spirits when I was being baptized, they have 7, and those have other 7, and those had other 7, and I couldn’t even count them all!  But the Lord cleaned me of all those evil spirits. 

He also showed me the future.  He showed me the Earth and how things were going to happen, events that were going to happen.  The vision I was given was from now until rapture.  He didn’t show me the rapture, but He showed me the things that were going to happen before that.  Each day we are getting closer and closer, and I’m telling you that the rapture is near!  You need to examine yourself, your life, and ask yourself, “am I ready to go with the Lord?“  The Lord showed me this, but He told me not to tell anybody, but to wait and see that the end is near, I don’t want to tempt God, that is why I won’t tell you what I saw.  But I am telling you and warning you that the rapture is near. 

I read in Joel 2:28, it is one of the last prophecies; all of them have been fulfilled.  This prophecy is the only one that hasn’t been fulfilled, and I tell you now that is it being fulfilled.  Many young people are rising up and preaching the Word of God.  The devil wants to make an army of young people, but the Lord is more powerful.  And if you really accept the Lord and want to serve Him, He will give you the strength to overcome the devil, so you can preach the word all around the world, just like He commanded in the Bible. 

He told me that I had a mission, and this mission was to tell all the young people about my vision.  Even if I don’t want to do this, it’s a commandment that the Lord gave me, and I will complete it. 

When I went back to my body, I woke up and found myself in the Hospital.  I looked around and saw needles in my arms, things checking my heart, tubes.  Soon my parents walked in and I started crying.  They looked very mad, but the Lord told me to tell them everything, and that’s what I did.  I told them everything. 

When the nurse walked in, she told us they were very worried about me.  She said I would leave and then come back, then leave and come back.  I’d be unconsciousn then conscious again.  This happened three times.  They said that one of those times, I didn’t want to come back, and they were worried about me.  They also said that foam would come out of my mouth, and I would blabber words that they didn’t even understand. 

Also that night, my mom was having bad dreams.  The little dog that I sleep with went into my parent’s room and scratched my mom’s arm and tried to wake her up.  When she woke up, she walked to my room and saw the pillows fixed there.  She thought that I was there so she walked back to her room.  Then she saw police lights outside the window.  When she looked out the window, she saw policemen walking to our house so she woke up my Father.   The police told them to call the police department to find out about me.  My parents found out that I was over intoxicated in the Hospital.  At that moment, the Lord spoke to my father and told him not to worry, because everything was in HIS hands, so my father didn’t worry.  I spent three days in the hospital. 

A week later we talked to the detectives, and they told us about that night.  They said that the other girl I was with, she was not supposed to go out either, and her father got all worried.  He went looking for her, driving around, but couldn’t find her.  So he went to the police department, and the police announced the kind of car that my friend was driving to all the patrol cars.  A certain off duty officer, was across the street at a car dealership.  He was looking to buy a used car.  He glanced over and saw the car of my friend, so he called the police.

When the police went to investigate, my friend’s car was parked in another spot, so they didn’t know where she was.  We were on the 2nd floor in the corner room.  The police wanted to start from that room, and walk down to check each room, asking for the owner of the car outside.  They weren’t looking for the girl; they were just looking for the owner. 

When they knocked on our door, they opened the door and saw me on the floor.  But then they left.  My so called friends thought that the police left for good, but in fact they left to get an ambulance.  Soon other police came up there to see what was happening.  When they opened the door, at that moment, my friend, the one I was talking to, the one I trusted, he was at the point of raping me.  But the Lord used the police to stop all that, and they didn’t do anything to me.  That is why I thank the Lord, because He had mercy on me. 

And also the prayers of my parents, I’m talking to you parents.  Don’t ever stop praying for your child.  If they aren’t walking with the Lord, keep on praying for them, never give up.  My parents never game up, and look where I am now, preaching the Word of God; telling young people to come serve God, because they need Him. 

And I want to give a message to all the young people, I want you to think of yourself, examine yourself.  Think, why should I care what anyone says about me.  I used to think what other people might say about me, but now I understand that they don’t even care about me.  They are not going to be there when the Lord is right in front of me.  I remember when I was in front of the Lord, my friend weren’t there to help me, my family wasn’t there to help me, my pastor, the church wasn’t there to help me.  I was there by myself, and I had to defend myself.  In front of Him you can’t lie, because He is so holy.  And when I was there I didn’t feel like I belong there, because I was in sin and in Heaven it is holy. 

I told you today that if you haven’t accepted the Lord Jesus, to accept Him today.  This is the most important decision in your whole life.  I’m not telling you all this to scare you into Heaven, but so you can see the mercy, the love that He has for us.  He the Father, sent His Son to die for us.  So each little drop of blood that was shed would forgive all of our sins.  If you want to accept the Lord, it is the most important decision in your life.  Come to the Lord, don’t care what anybody else says about you. 

If you want to server the Lord, then do it with all your heart, don’t just say it with your mouth, say it with your heart and mind.  Don’t worry about the future, worry about today, you never know when you are going to die.  I’m only 15 years old and in my mind I never thought that I was going to die at 15, never. 

But you need to think about that.  My life isn’t mine, your life isn’t yours, we are borrowing our lives, our lives belong to God.  We take advantage of this by not caring, by going into the world, by doing the things of the world.  The world has many things to offer, but remember God has even more things to offer.  The world has hell and death, but God has eternal life.  Eternal life is forever. 

The following is excerpted from Linda Newkirk’s ‘Tools Of Salvation’ prophecy.


Beware of the False Doctrine:

Serve Me; and You will not Have to Suffer!

Hear Me, oh you people, not just in America, but all over the world! My way is the Strait and Narrow. There is no other way!  Be warned, oh you preachers and prophets, who teach the false doctrine, that if you serve Me and do right, you will not have to suffer! For, if you serve Me and do right, you will suffer. For, Satan the wicked witch of this world, on seeing that you are spiritually white and clean, will come after you with a vengeance.  He will lay every possible trap and snare before you!  He will tempt you and his demons will come after you! He will trouble you in dreams and he will do all in his power to control your mind!  He will abduct many of you and carry you into his ships, where he will drug you!  He will see all of your weaknesses and he will pound you in these areas through various kinds of mind control, demonic assaults and temptations. He will send his demons to rape you and to stir you up in things of the flesh until you confess every last sin and forsake things of the flesh.  If you weakness is alcohol, he will send powerful demons against you, who will enter into your body, and who will take over your mind and force you to drink alcohol!  And, you will drink it in most cases, if this is your weakness, until you confess all of your sins and seek Me in earnest to heal the holes in your hearts!

The Terrible Lie!

What folly you speak when you tell My people to live right and Satan will not tempt you!  Have you forgotten about Job?  Have you forgotten about the prophets and apostles, who were killed for love of Me?  Have you forgotten that I, too, was killed, because I came to save you? 

Those, who Desire Salvation,

Will Pay Dearly!

Those, who choose righteousness, who desire salvation, which is eternal life, will pay dearly!  They will pay through great suffering in their bodies.  They will suffer great losses in their families and among their friends; for Satan will seek to cause them grief in all ways!  Many will forsake them and rise up to bear false witness against them; for Satan will enter into them, even as he entered into Judas, who betrayed Me!  Yes, many will rise up to betray the righteous, to do them all manner of hurt, to slander their good names, and to help destroy them, even to kill them.

Wanting to Live in the Safe Zone,

Which is Living in the World!

Too many of you wish to be naïve!  Too many of you wish to stay in that “safe” zone, which is the “in the world” zone and you rejoice in yourselves, that all is well with you, and that you do not have to suffer, as my daughter, Linda Newkirk has suffered!  Yet, you, in your vast ignorance, do not even realize that my chosen daughter, Linda Newkirk, is exceedingly blessed; for she hears My voice and obeys Me! I have called her and I have a contract with her; for she is mother to My very own son of fire and light! 

Beware of Satan’s servants!

But, too many of you look upon her with derisions, with scorn, with mocking and ridicule and you are quick to believe all such lies as those that are distributed by one of Satan’s very own, Elizabeth Sheri Elijah Nikomia! Yes, quick you are to follow this one, Elizabeth Sheri Elijah Nikomia! She calls herself My servant, when she is no servant of Mine, but a choice servant of Satan and the occult forces within the CIA and other mind control  branches of the  U.S. Government!  With her loud and abrasive mouth, she has spewed forth her lies and insults and her false witness against My servant, Linda Newkirk, for over nine years! And, the spreaders of hate and malice in the U.S. Government and intelligence branches of the U.S. Government have kept such hate at the top of the number one internet search engine in this country and elsewhere; for they hate these works!  Satan hates these works; and how many of you are even the wiser?  Yes, you follow after this woman, Elizabeth Sheri Elijah Nikomia, who claims to serve Me, when she does not serve Me at all, but is a product of her Satanic upbringing and CIA occult mind control organizations!

The Blind are Following the Blind!

Oh, you wicked and adulterous generation!  Blind and deaf, you go running off the cliff!  For, you will not repent! You will not spend quality time with Me so that I may clean you on the inside!  No, this you do not do, but wish to think yourselves clean when you make yourselves clean on the outside, but inside you are full of dead men’s bones and rotted flesh!

Oh, you wicked and adulterous generation!  For so long I have pleaded!  But, you did not want the Strait and Narrow; for it is too hard for you!  So, to suit your own cravings, you find another way and this other way is full of rot and filth, but you see it not!  For, you, too, are full of rot and filth! This is why you do not see the errors of your ways and why so many of you follow after these worldly prophets and worldly churches.  They tell you what you want to hear. Therefore, you remain in your comfortable place in the midst of your worldly desires, your worldly heart at peace!  For, you continue on and your life remains the same. Therefore, according to your reasoning, you must be doing the right things.

Many cannot tell Right from Wrong!

      On the other hand, you look upon My servant, Linda Newkirk, and many of you reason among yourselves, that she must be on the “wrong” path; for so great have been her travails, her heartaches and suffering!  Yet, how wrong you are!  For, I have put her in a holy place, indeed in a wilderness place and I keep her there with My very own holy Son of fire and light! Unfortunately for her, I have also put Satan in her very face; for this is also My written word! And, some of you think her “cursed”, but I tell you that Linda Newkirk is blessed, blessed indeed; for she is mother to My Little Son of light and fire; and she is spiritual mother to all of My Sons in the whole earth, indeed spiritual mother to all of My children! Therefore, Linda Newkirk is exceedingly blessed, even blessed above all women!

Our Father Yahweh’s Warning

To Elizabeth Sheri Elijah Nikomia

      Yet, how many evil ones rise up to gloat in her suffering, to rail and shout even above the treetops, and to the whole world, spreading strings of lying accusations.  And, you, Elizabeth Sheri Elijah Nikomia, being the ring leader among them all!  And, if you do not repent of your evil ways, Elizabeth Sheri Elijah Nikomia, you will see the flames of hell and you will not come out for a very long time, if you come out at all. 

      For, witchcraft, I hate!  Lying, deceptive ways, I hate! False doctrine, I hate! Slander, I hate!  High-mindedness, I hate!  Murdering, I hate!  Elizabeth Sheri  Elijah, do you get My message? I despise your evil ways and the way that you use up My people and then toss them aside! I warn you to repent of your wicked ways; for you do not know when I shall bring my hammer of judgement down on your wicked house!  For, I have given you over nine years of grace! You are into your tenth year of your evil lies against my servant, Linda Newkirk; yet you still rise up to spew your lies, to mock Me and my true servant! If you do not repent and soon in a very big way, I shall lay my axe to your root! For, I am Creator! I, alone, am Creator; I, alone and Saviour, and I, alone have both the power to save a soul and the power to destroy a soul!

And, with this, My Little One, we shall stop for now, but will resume with this message


Our Father’s Message Continued …

February 21, 2010

Very Important Concepts…for My Bride!

Much-Needed Help for All!

My Little One, I am your Father Yahweh, Most High God; and I come back to you today on this very same day, that we may resume in this work!  For, I need to share herein some very important concepts as to what I expect for My Bride, but also, My Blessed Child, I will include herein some much-needed help for all, who so desire to be clean, but are unable to escape the terrible sufferings of their pasts! And, because they cannot escape such terrible sufferings, they are daily all the more prisoners of them. My Little One, do you understand what I have given you up to this point and why?

My Lord, I believe that I do understand well what you have given; but for the sake of some, who may not understand, I wish to further clarify some points!  My Lord, the fine arts building, where the movie was being shown, represents the traps of this world and how they are made to look, in many cases as pristine and as pure as the elaborate, white and clean building; yet the building was darkened inside and full of fantasy and flesh!

You have said it well, My Little One.

So, Father, because so much evil is painted to look good and is labeled as “fine arts,” many, many are deluded and fall into these many lures and traps of the “fine arts.”

You have seen it, My Little One; and the world is full of it!

Come Away from the Worldly Traps!

So, Father, this message is yet another warning to your people to come away from such worldly traps!  For, no one can enter into such and allow such into his or her heart, mind, spirit and soul, without paying a price!  And, that price, Father, is even, as the darkened theater!  Darkness enters into their minds, their hearts, their souls, spirits and bodies to tempt them, to push out Your Spirit, to dilute Your power and to cut them off from Your light, to consume them totally!  For, once Your Spirit has fled from them, if they ever had Your Spirit, there remains in them a vacant hole and many demons then seek to fill such vacant holes!

The Latter State is Worse than the First!

“Tis so, My Little One and the latter state of those, who once had My Spirit, but insulted it with evil, so that it fled, this latter state is by far worse than the former state, when they did not know me and did not have My Spirit.  Therefore, the travails, which will come upon these are worse than the travails, which they would have had if they had never known Me!

But, Father, so many do things in ignorance! They are spiritual babes and the churches do not teach them; for the churches are overwhelmingly full of the world!

Seek and you will find!

This is why I have told you to knock and it will be opened unto you, to seek and you will find! Yet, most do not want to trouble themselves by studying My word and by calling out to Me in deep prayer, even with their whole hearts! They would rather believe that I have given all to them on a silver platter and that they do not have to work for anything!  But have I not told you that by your works I will judge you?  However, the rancid churches will tell you that works are unimportant, that salvation is all about grace!  But, I tell you that My grace is great and through My great grace, I brought you salvation; but I will judge you according to your works; for your very actions reveal who you are!  Your very actions speak of your love and obedience towards Me and your love for others! Therefore, when your day of judgement is upon you, I will judge you according to your works, not what you profess out of your  mouth!  (Rev 2:23 I will give unto every one of you according to your works.  Eccl 12:14  For God shall bring every work into judgement, with every secret thing, whether it be good or evil.)

A Tree is Known by its Fruits!

For, even the demons know Me and profess Me! Satan knows Me and professes Me! Many know Me and profess Me, but by their works, their fruits, you will know who really loves Me and serves Me!  For, a tree is known by its fruits. Therefore, your fruits will show whether your tree will stand and be gathered unto Me, or whether your tree will be hewn down and cast into the fire!

So, this false doctrine needs to be put to rest once and for all!  I judge you by your works and through My love for you, I save you!  Yet, if your works were evil, and the end was upon you, your very works would also judge you, even into the destructive flames of hell, or the Lake of Fire! Therefore, your works bear testimony of who you are, of who you love and who you serve!  So, your very works judge you and I, at that last day, will look upon your works, and I will say, “Come unto Me, My Faithful Steward; for I have prepared a place for you,” or I will say, “Be gone from me, you worker of Iniquity; for I never knew you!” Therefore, by your works, you are both known and judged!

Use Your Spiritual Gifts, or Lose them!

For, to some I have given one talent and to some I have given ten talents. The one, who truly loves Me and who truly serves Me, will not hide his or her talents (their spiritual gifts), but will use them in some manner to help others!  Therefore, if they will use them in some manner to help others, I will multiply both My spiritual gifts and power in them!  But, if they hide My spiritual gifts, if they are ashamed of them and will not use them, I will remove My spiritual gifts, and even My Spirit from them and will give the little that they have to those, who will use My Spiritual gifts to help others!  Therefore, to those, who have My spiritual gifts, and who use them, will be given even more spiritual gifts and manifestations of My power and Spirit!  But, even so, so much greater is their price; for to whom much is given much is expected!

As A Thief, I shall come for My First Harvest!

And, this is where we are right now, My Little One!  We have come to the time of the first harvest, wherein

I am busy separating My wheat from the tares!  And, as such, I have made notice to My Bride that I shall come for her as a thief in the night!  None shall know the time and there shall be no great manifestations in the sky or elsewhere; for at this first coming, I shall come as a thief! Therefore, none shall know the exact date, or the exact hour wherein I shall come as a thief! For, as a thief I shall come for My first harvest! 

A Message to the Bride!

One Last and Final Shout!

And, with this message, I am giving one last and final shout for My Bride; for the wise virgins, who wait for Me!  For, some of you are holding onto things of the past!  Some of you have not worked through the pain and suffering of your childhoods! Some of you have suffered traumas and severe emotional trials and you have not been healed by My Spirit and power! Therefore, you have also not forgiven, neither have you forgiven yourselves, or the offending person, or persons!  And, you carry within your spiritual makeup spiritual holes and hollow places of darkness!  And, because of these hollow places of darkness, demons enter into you from time to time, to tempt you and to cause you to sin!  Therefore, some, whom I would like to take, I cannot take; for you must make peace with your past, and because the pasts of many of you are full of much suffering and pain, you wish to block out your pasts!  You wish to run from your pasts and to hide from your pasts and you will not go back into your pasts, either to remember your choices, to recall your great suffering, or to make amends in any way with those, whom you have hurt! So, you cover it up and seek to look clean on the outside and try to live clean lives. But, you are the whited sepulchers, who are full of dead men’s bones and rotted flesh! 

Seek Me with Your Whole Heart;

And, I will Heal Your Traumatic Past!

Therefore, I am bringing forth now a plan for each of you, wherein if you do as I tell you, and if you seek Me with your whole hearts, I will heal your traumatic past! I will heal your wounds of mind, spirit, heart and soul! I will make you clean, not just outwardly so, but inwardly so! But, you will have to do a very important work!  And, you will have to desire to be clean and free with your whole heart!  And, if you seek Me with your whole heart and you do as I say, I will heal your painful emotions. I will heal your painful memories and I will heal your brokenness; and for the first time in your whole life, you will know what it feels like to have Me take all of your burdens and make you whole! 

In No Way and at No Time

Will I Marry A Whited Sepulcher!

Take heed to what I tell you now; for in no way and at no time will I marry a whited sepulcher!  Now is your chance to grow spiritually and emotionally in a very great way and if you will seek Me with your whole heart, I will do for you, even as I now promise!  For, what I now tell you, few preachers of prophets will ever tell you! What I now show you, few preachers or prophets will ever show you, even though some of these are very well aware of this deep spiritual work, which must be done in all, who wish to marry Me, to be My Bride, to be My Sons, and to inherit eternal life, which is salvation!  For if you will not do this inner work, which is extremely important, you will not find a resting place in the light, but will be cast back again until you learn this most important lesson!

My Little One, we shall stop for now so that you may take a short break!

Our Father’s Message Continued

February 21, 2010

My Little One, I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God! My Little One, I ask you now, have you well understood what I have given?

Father, for the sake of clarity, I do have a question.  Father, the second document at the beginning of these messages, was labeled, “Hunger for Me,” and there followed a scene, where I was a little child, and was very short, standing beneath a table and near a table leg. And, very large beings were eating a nice meal and I could smell their food and wanted to eat, but they told me that I must wait. Yet, then I sang to You, Lord, and You held Your arms wide to me and to all little children; for you love us so!  Father, who are those great beings, who eat such a fine meal, but told me to be quiet and wait my turn?

My Little One, look there, high up, on the back of the chair.

I see it, Father! I see the words. “We are the Elohim, some of the watchers.”

But, Father, why would You show me such a scene?  For, I do not look to them to feed me?

No, not that you know of; but they do a very great work for those of you in the earth; and you are not aware of the nature of this great work!.  However, the truth is that they do feed you, many of you in the Earth, but they do not feed you salvation and eternal life.

But, Father, I do not ask them to feed me in real life. So, how is this that I sit under their table and wait to be fed?

The Elohim!

Much of what they feed you… is evil!

All of you sit under their table and while you are not even aware of it, you still sit under their table!  And, they have much to do with very much that goes on in the Earth; for I created them and put them over you!  So, while you do not consciously go to them for food, you are nevertheless fed by them and much of what they feed you, and I mean all of you, when I say, “you” is evil!  For, many of them do not wish to see salvation come to the humans; and out of jealousy and anger they set out to destroy you!  No, you do not consciously go to their tables to eat; for most of you know nothing about them!  But, they lure you, all of you, to their tables to eat and they make you eat what you do not want to eat and have no interest in eating! 

Hear Me! For, I have said that they “lure” you all and they court you all with all manner of temptations, which smell good, taste good, but are destructive to your soul!  For, many of them do not feed you what is good for you, but what is destructive for you!  For, many of them are full of jealousy and envy towards you, so they continually plot your demises.

However, My Little One, when you were told to be quiet and to wait your turn, you did wait as a humble little child. And, you have waited as a humble, little child, amidst so many of your terrible trials, you have known, “Jesus loves me;” for you have cried out to Me and you have praised Me amidst your great suffering!  And, I have reached out to you! I have fed you and I have comforted you!   How blessed you are, My Little One; for you have waited upon Me and I shall soon reward you greatly!  Now, My Little One, do you have more questions?

No, My Lord, not at this time; for I understand what You have given and I believe that most will understand as well!

Now, My Blessed Child, I want you to go back to the open case and retrieve the next document and the tab on the top of the document will show the title.

There is Fire and There are sparks!

Thank You, My Lord!  Oh, Blessed Saviour, there is fire and there are sparks, which are coming from this document!  I could use a welder’s visor; for these sparks are many and also very bright!

My Little One, there is only one document and it is rather thick, so pull it out!  I am placing some Son-glasses over your glasses and this will dampen the brightness of these sparks!

My Life Diary!

Oh, thank You, Oh Blessed Saviour. I have the document now in my hands and this document is still sparking!  I know that Satan must hate what is in here!  For, this one is full of Your power. My Lord, this document is like a small diary and I see that it is locked, but I see now that the key is fastened to the side of this diary; so I will remove the key, and with ease I am now able to place it into the lock, which is on the side of the diary!  And, it surely must be a diary; for I see the name of this little book and it is called, “My Life!”

I turn the key once and nothing happens. Then, I turn it again and nothing happens, only the sound of a single click!  Father, I believe that I am to try again, so I turn the key again and the cover of this little book flies open as if it is spring-loaded! Father, I do not know what to think about this little diary; for there are many pages, but it seems as if someone has taken a cookie cutter and has cut out the center of the diary!  The center of each of these pages is missing, leaving a hole in the center of all of these pages!  Father, what good is such a diary when the center is missing from each page?  This book would be of no value to anyone, especially of no value to the one, who wrote it!

My Little One, do you know why I showed you such a diary?

Father, I think that I have some ideas, but, Father, I would rather hear what You have to say about the diary!

My Little One, the name of this diary is “My Life.”  These words, “My Life”, could refer to any of you! In other words, this diary could belong to anyone!

And, Father, the fact that a good segment is missing, is most assuredly important.

Holes in the Lives of Most Souls!

Big Holes in their hearts, in their Minds, in their souls and in their spirits!

My Little One, this is the very sad state regarding the diaries of the lives of most people on this planet!  Very few have a whole diary!  Very few have whole lives; for trauma, trauma-based memories, anger, sadness, lost hope and dreams, abuse, neglect, unforgiveness and a myriad other things have left holes in the lives of most souls!  Very few wish to go back into the hurt, the sorrow, the pain and into the terrible behaviors of their own past and to own the hurt and pain, and to thereby bring these things to Me for healing! 

Instead, what most do is to cover up their great sufferings from past years with mountains of busy work, or with mountains of good work, or rather to escape into so may worldly things, lusts, drugs, pornography, etc.  They sweep under the rug, or into hidden closets, so much of their pain in their dysfunctional lives, never dealing with these things!

And, when they bring their diaries to Me, this is what they look like! Big holes in their hearts, in their minds, in their souls and in their spirits!  For, they have stored up within themselves, so very much trauma, so very much heartache, so very much anger, sorrow, fear, embarrassment and other kinds of negative emotions and thoughts; and they try to hide these things from themselves and from others! 

Most do not know of these great holes in their lives, in their thinking and feeling, but I know; and these surely are crippled in their spiritual walks because they will not come to Me for healing in such painful areas of their lives. 

My Little One, many of these are the whited sepulchers! They look good on the outside and they sound good; but on the inside they are a wreck!  For, they carry so much pain, hurt, sorrow and forgiveness; and until they resolve all of these situations with Me, they will not be whole and clean before Me!

Take Heed!

This is an Urgent Hour… A Most Urgent Call to My Bride!

My Little One, this message is most important, an extremely important message for any and all, who seek salvation and eternal life!  For, it you will not clean out your spiritual closets now; and if you die in this state, you will come again and again until you clean them out, or perish in the flames!  Take heed! This is an urgent hour! Take heed to what I now tell you; for this is a most urgent call to My Bride!  It is the Twelfth Hour and I could come at any time now! But, I delay for a few of you, who very much need to read this message and do as I tell you to do!  For, some of you, I wish to take at this First Harvest; but you are as whited sepulchers, and I cannot and will not marry you! Therefore, this is a most important message to you; and you, who are wise, will listen!  Hearken to me, and do as I say that I may cleanse you and make you whole!

My Little One, we shall stop for now so that you may take a little break.

Our Father’s Message Continued

February 21, 2010

My Little One, I am Your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God! Now, My Blessed Child, we will resume with this most urgent message to My Bride!  Do you understand well what I have given, My Little One?

Yes, Father, I believe that I do understand well what You have given, but I have a couple of questions; and I would like clarity regarding these things.

Say on…

My Lord, why was it necessary for me to turn the key three times in the lock?

You May Fail to See Your Life as it  Really is!

My Little One, this is the reason:  It you look in the mirror at your reflection, what do you see?

Father, I see a hazy, distorted image. But, what does this have to do with the three turns of the key?

My Little One, if you go back to the mirror and look again at your image, what do you see?

My Lord, it looks like my reflection in the mirror, but when I turn sideways, I look very thin, almost like a slice of loaf bread, which is turned sideways. But, Father, what does this mean?

My Little One, look at your image in the mirror again. What do you see?

My Father, I look and I see an image of myself; and I perceive myself to look the way I do in real life!  But, Father, why do You show me all of these things?

If one will not Operate in the Realm of Truth,

He, or She will not be Healed!

My Little One, this book is a diary and this diary could be anyone’s diary! With the first look at one’s self, or in the first attempt to truly look at one’s self in truth and honesty, there may come no results! For, the spirits of denial may block ones entrance into his or her own book. And, not only will spirits of denial block ones entry into ones own diary, but an inability or the lack of a desire to see will also block ones entry! 

In other words, many do not wish to look into their own lives and re-experience the pain and suffering so that they can be free!  There is also, as I have said, often a tendency to refuse to own up to emotions, or behaviors, especially when they are negative or unacceptable!

For, instance, when one is not allowed to be angry as a child, one may grow up to deny the emotion of anger!  If one is not allowed to be sad as a child, one may grow up to deny the emotion of sadness, but may instead hide behind a jovial front!  So, it is very important to learn to claim one’s true emotions and behaviors! If one will not operate in this realm of truth, he or she will not be healed!

So, not only must one claim his or her true emotions, but one must be truthful in his or her accounts regarding these past behaviors. Many get into the “blaming” game and wish to blame others for their past hurts and wrongs.  If one is to be healed, one must be willing to forgive and to allow Me to come in and to heal all past hurts (emotions) and memories. So, this is why you needed to turn the key three times.

You must persevere Until You are Healed!

For, others to clearly view the past hurts and emotions, the past hurtful memories and other painful experiences, he or she must be willing to persevere!  For, initial attempts to truly access such painful emotions or memories may be blocked by the mind, where the mind often seals away painful memories. Or the initial attempts may be blocked by hardness in the heart, where the heart has built up walls of anger, denial, sadness, fear, among other negative emotions, and has thereby become hardened! So, the hard-hearted will have trouble looking at their diary, and seeing clearly the truths of their own hurtful behaviors, as well as the truths of what other have done to them!

Therefore, I show you this now; for many will sit down to look at all of their hurts, sorrows and pain and all of their many hurtful behaviors, and some will come up blank, or almost blank.  For, they have built such walls in their thoughts and in their hearts.  Do you understand?

Yes, My Lord, I do understand.  I know that so many trauma-based-memories are like this and many suffer greatly just to maintain.

My Little One, in some situations, these memories are so traumatic that they cannot and will not be opened by desire, alone, as was and is the case with Elena. And, this is one reason that I am raising up My Little Son of light, the manchild of Revelation Twelve!  For, he will be able supernaturally to open such stored memories in many and to bring fire into them, My power and My light and fire, which will completely dissolve and heal such memories and their associated emotions.

Emotional and Mental Scars

Are Something Like Roadmaps!

But, as far as these diaries, most will not see that their memories are blank, and their emotions are blank. When they go back to review their diaries, most will remember well their greatest numbers of emotional traumas and mental traumas.  Most will remember well who hurt them and also will remember well how they hurt others.  They will also see well how they hurt others!  They will also see well that they have not dealt with all of the hurt, the pain and suffering, which is associated with such things! 

And, these I will readily help if they will honestly and truthfully address these many emotional and mental traumas, which they have buried!  Yes, many ask Me to forgive them and I readily forgive them; but many emotionally and mentally charged situations and occurrences in people’s lives leave deep imprints in their memories, in their hearts and in their souls; and it is these sorts of things, which must be healed before one can be free! 

For, these emotional and mental scars are something like roadmaps and these roadmaps, once laid, tend to produce the same kinds of behaviors, and to prod one to repeat the same sorts of things over and over again!  If this is not the case, it will nonetheless take a great deal of emotional, mental, and spiritual energy just to keep these traumas and these many unresolved conflicts and unforgiveness pushed down and kept out of sight and away from one’s awareness!

Many are Busy, Trying to Fill the

Vast Holes in their Lives!

For, what is hidden in this way can create a very large hole in one’s life and this hole will wish to be filled with something!  Therefore, many are busy trying to fill the vast holes in their lives with something!  And, some do fill such holes with religion!  You will see them in the churches, busy at one thing, or at another and seeming to do well, and also doing well, but most often fighting the void, which is in their lives!  Others will fill such voids with excessive work, or excessive play, or excessive exercising, or excessive eating, or drinking of alcohol or taking drugs. Others will fill such voids with sexual addictions, sexual perversions, or other kinds of addictions!  For, they feel hollow inside and wish to fill this void with something!  Others will talk, talk, talk, and do little more!  And, so it goes!  For, many will do all sorts of things to fill the voids in their lives!

And, many are afraid to look into these voids, which for many began at an early time in their lives!  Many do not want to look back! Many do not want to see, either what others did to them, or what they did to others! 

But, there shall come no healing into them, into their hearts, into their memories, into their bodies, until they look back, examine their own lives in great detail and ask Me to come into all of their broken dreams, into all of their hurtful emotions and memories and ask Me to heal them! 

And, if any and all are sincere in their pleas before Me, I will hear them; and I will not only show these all of their past hurts, sorrows and painful memories, I will heal them! I will forgive them! I will set them free; and make them new persons, from the inside out.  This is what I will do for any and all, who so desire it and who seek Me with their whole hearts.

Oh, Father, I know that this is so and I pray that all will take note!  For, You wish to do such a wonderful thing for so many!

And, with this, My Little One, we shall stop for today! For, you have done much and this is all that I require of you today. I am Your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God.

As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 21st day of February, 2010,

                                                                                                           Linda Newkirk

Our Father’ Message Continued

February 22, 2010

My Blessed Child, I am your Father Yahweh, Most High God!  Blessed are you, My Little One; for you are spiritually hungry and you are back at the spiritual trough today; and even as you so come, I will feed you!  My Little One, do you understand well what I have given, or do you have more questions?

Father, as is usually the case, I have a few more questions still about the Elohim.  And, I am wondering now why I was told to wait my turn, that they must be fed first, and that I must therefore wait my turn. Father, what more will you give me about these Elohim, and also about this comment.

Some of the Elohim want us to keep quiet about

The Mysteries of the Light Kingdom!

My Little One, you have been told to wait your turn and you will wait your turn; for what is on their table, what they eat, you cannot now eat of!  But, you have been making a clamor in their midst! You have made quite an uproar among them; for you have been busy in seeking Me for the light mysteries!  Many of them are and have been irritated with you; for you long to go on high, into the Light Kingdom and receive your inheritance! Therefore, you and a few others have been very busy in praying for these mysteries of the Light Kingdom!

These, who sit above you, would have you to be quiet, to sit and wait your time! But, pay no attention to those remarks; for not only will you receive your inheritance in the light, but you will sit high above them, neither desiring to eat at their table, nor eating from their tables; for your table shall be high above theirs!

Yes, My Little one, you long to go on high and to inherit your place in the Light Kingdom and you shall, but some of these rulers, the Elohim, wish for you to be quiet, to be very quiet about My messages in Pistis Sophia.  They wish for you to sit down and be quiet! 

Yes, My Little One, you will wait your turn, and your turn is so very close now!  So, be not puzzled about these things, but just know that they are all aware of your great yearnings to go on high and to receive these mysteries and seals of the Light Kingdom, your heavenly food, yet they wish to silence you! They do not want you to receive or to be fed, these great mysteries! 

But, you are being fed by Me and I will give you great mysteries of the Light Kingdom, some of which you and My Little Son of Light are already receiving; for I know the true longings of your heart, and these longings are for Me! For, I know that I am your first love! I am your Treasure, and where your heart is, which is upon Me, there also is your treasure!  For, I, and I, alone, am your Treasure!  Blessed are you, My Little One; for indeed I shall give you the whole Light Kingdom!

Oh, thank you, oh Beautiful King!!! You are My Everything! Glory to Your Holy Name forever and ever! I love You so, oh Mighty King and so long to be in Your wonderful presence!

Are there more questions, My Little One?

No, My Lord, not at this time, not that I am aware of.

A Plan for You to be Spiritually Clean!

“Repent and Turn to God and do Work that is meet for Repentance.”  (Acts 26:20)

Very well, My Blessed Child, we will proceed; for I will now outline a plan, wherein, if those who love Me, wish to be spiritually clean, inside and out, and to be healed of all their brokenness, all of their sorrow, pain, sadness, anger, denial, embarrassment, self-loathing, hate, malice, contempt and other negative emotions, which are associated with traumatic events; and if they will come to Me with a sincere heart, a broken and contrite spirit and seek Me with their whole hearts I will not only heal them, but will also take all of their burdens!  I will not only forgive them, but even as they seek Me to do so, I will forgive those, who hurt them!

Now, this is what I would have all to do, who truly want their spiritual and emotional houses to be cleaned out.

Firstly, My Little One, I would have them to get on bended knees before Me and to pray this prayer from their hearts.  It is well to paraphrase this prayer and to put it into one’s own words, but to pray this prayer to Me with a sincere heart and with a broken and contrite spirit!

The First Prayer

A Prayer to Seek our Saviour’s Help

in Exploring Your Life Diary!

Oh, Father, My Father in Heaven, Creator of both heaven and earth, I come to You as a child, Father; and I seek You as a child, for the brokenness in my heart is great!  Father, You know how I have suffered in my past!  You know all of My trials and You know that at times My pain and heartache has been great! Father, I have stuffed so much hurt away in my heart! I have tried not to think about so many painful things!  I have made some terrible decisions, Father; and I know that I have not only caused great pain to myself by some of my many bad decisions, but I have also caused much pain and much heartache to others. 

Father, I have not wanted to think about many of these painful events; for the burden of such things is so great in my heart and in my mind!  But, Father, You know that the memories of these traumatic events is not far below the surface of my mind!  And, even though I wish to forget about so many of these very traumatic events and to go on with my life, I cannot forget them! 

Father, I have truly wanted You to hear Me and to forgive Me regarding many of these painful behaviors and painful events, and I know that You forgive!  But, Oh Blessed Saviour, my soul is heavy with so much pain and suffering!  Father, I want to be free!  With all of my heart, I really want to be free! 

Father, take my hand and go with me into the diary of my own life!  Give me very clear eyes so that I may recall with great clarity all of these hurtful and unresolved situations, which still exist in my heart, in my emotions, in my memories and in my thoughts.  Father, please take my hand and walk with me into all of these hurtful and painful situations, and let me see and recall each painful situation very clearly. 

Father, burn down the walls, which I have built within my own heart and within my own mind!  Father, bind up and cast out all demons of denial and burn up and consume all denial, which is within me!  Father, cause me to look upon my life, upon my own choices and behaviors, and upon the choices and behaviors of others with great clarity and pureness of sight and hearing, to recall in truth all things, which have so troubled me; for, Father, I do not wish to blame others any longer for my own bad choices.  I do not wish to treat others unfairly because I will not forgive them, but hold grudges against them!  I do not wish any longer to be a prisoner of my own past; but to be clean before you, knowing that You have forgiven me, oh Lord, that I have also forgiven myself and that I have also forgiven others! 

Oh Blessed Saviour, please take my hand and hold tight to my hand and walk with me into the diary of my own life; for I truly wish to be free!  Thank you, Father! Amen

I Will Hear This Prayer!

Now, My Little One, I tell you now that for all, who pray this prayer and who pray it with a deep and sincere longing from their very hearts, even praying it with their  whole hearts, I will hear this prayer!  I will honor this prayer and I will indeed take the hand of such a one, who prays this prayer and I will indeed cause such a one to see with great clarity and with great truth his or her past and to see it is truth and honesty!

Make Three Distinct Lists!

Next, my Little One, after one prays this prayer, indeed, with his or her whole heart, there is much work to be done and this is what I would have each one to do! Make lists! Make three distinct lists and the first list is to be called:  1.   What others have done to me! Then, make a second list and this second list is to be called:   2.   What I have done to others!  Then, make a third list and this third list is to be called:   3.   What I have done to myself!

For, as one spends time with Me in going back into his or her life; and as one sees and reviews the painful and unresolved conflicts, indeed emotionally charged situations, such a one is then to make lists, indeed three lists, and on the three lists, one will list these painful memories and emotionally charged situations, indeed, as I have just told you, in three lists:  1. What others have done to me; 2…What I have done to others;  3…What I have done to myself.

I add also, my Little One, that for one to be the most successful at achieving the deepest and most lasting spiritual healings, one needs to spend some days alone with Me, without any interruptions whatsoever! In deep longing and with a singleness of purpose, one needs to spend this time of deep prayer and longing with Me, seeking Me and only making these lists!  To make such lists, for some, can take days, or even weeks!  For, it will take some time to go back and to remember these things and to make these accurate lists.

But this is what one is to do first of all!  Spend the time to make the lists! Keep adding to these lists until no more painful memories and emotionally charged experiences are remembered!  These lists are between Me and you, the one, who needs healing!  I am not asking you to make a list of your deep personal concerns and to share these with others, unless you really desire to do so! 

For, you will come next with the following prayer and with your whole heart, you will ask Me to take your hand again and to go with you into each painful situation, that I may burn out and totally heal your wounded memories and your wounded emotions, that I may also forgive you and others, as you must also forgive yourself.

I Will Heal Those, Who Desire Healing,

With Your Whole Hearts!

When such healing is done, there will come a great freedom in your mind, in your heart, in your soul and spirit!  For, I will heal those of you, who so desire this healing with your whole hearts! And, if you do not at first experience this healing release after praying this second prayer regarding a given situation, come again and again in tears, weeping in your great sorrow also for your sins and hurts, and I will eventually heal you and clean away all of your emotional and mental traumas regarding these situations.

So, here follows the second prayer and you are to pray this prayer regarding each emotionally charged situation, which you have listed on your three lists.  Pray this prayer with your whole heart as regards each “wrong” on your list!  Do not hurry this, but be sincere and I will hear, as well, on your behalf, this second prayer.

Second Prayer

Prayer for Healing of painful Emotions and Memories

 In Your Holy Name, Lord Jesus, I come to You; and I ask You to help me!  Oh, Blessed Saviour,  I travail over so much sorrow and so much pain in my life!  Lord, You know the emotional trauma that I have suffered over this incident alone; and You know that I do not want to suffer this emotional pain regarding this situation any longer!  Father, I plead with You from the bottom of my heart to take my hand and to come with me into these painful, mental, and emotional wounds and to heal me from the inside out! 

Blessed Saviour, please bring Your love and Your light and your healing into this very painful emotional situation and heal me!  Heal my painful memories and painful emotions and heal my body, my Lord; for such pain has surely affected my health!  Purge and purify my painful memories and purge and purify my painful emotions, so that I will no longer suffer the terrible effects of this very experience.

Forgive me, oh Lord, where I bear wrong in this situation; and forgive this person (or persons), even as I so forgive each and every one, who is and has been a part of this very painful situation, including myself.  Lord, do not hold this against me or anyone else any longer! 

Lord, I really do want to be forever free of all such painful memories and emotions, which are associated with this traumatic event; and I do not want to remember it anymore in painful ways.

Lord, please heal me in every way regarding this situation and take all of my burdens regarding this painful event.  For, I know that this very painful event has help to mold and shape my behaviors in ways that I may not even recognize. So, Father pluck out any and all roots of dysfunctional behaviors, which have arisen in me, because of this terrible event.

Help me, Oh Lord, to see clearly how I have hurt others because of my painful past, how I have shut out others and how I have made decisions, which were not good for me and for others. 

Father, all of these terrible memories have served as my own prison and none could help me to be healed. But, Father, I put my faith and trust in You; for You are Most High! You are Creator! You came down here and took on a body and died for us, so that we might find our way into the Light, for this earth is do dark. You, and You, Alone, are Saviour. There is none other and none can save a soul but you; and Father, none can heal like you!

Lord Jesus, I know that you are extremely compassionate and that you forgive. I truly do want to be forgiven of all of my sins and I beg you to forgive me of all of my sins and to heal me completely of these past errors and very terrible memories! I know that you hear my cries and I know that you are mindful of me. Thank you, oh Blessed Saviour!  I love you so! Amen

Our Saviour Continues!

Therefore, with these two prayers, and if you do your spiritual work of listing all wrongs, those of yourself and those of others, and if you pray with your whole hearts, and with great determination, I will clean out your painful memories! I will forgive you and heal you at all levels, making you free indeed. These prayers, I give for all, who will receive them and pray them in earnest!  For, I will honor these prayers! I will receive these prayers when you pray them with your whole hearts and I will make you whole and free!

Remember! If you do not feel My healing power and My spiritual release within you at first, keep coming back to Me in prayer and keep praying the same prayer until you feel this spiritual breakthrough!  For, if you are sincere and if you persevere, you will receive a spiritual breakthrough! For, I will heal you; but remember also that things, like doubt and a lackadaisical attitude can interfere in your healing, so beware of these things and keep coming back to me in prayer until you feel a spiritual breakthrough!

Also, remember that the walls, which you have built in your own heart, mind, spirit and soul, may not be broken down all at once, but by degrees!  And, the demons and thoughts of denial may not be cast out and removed all at once, but by degrees!  So, you will need to be determined and to persevere; and if you will be determined and persevere, I will surely heal you and I will surely set you free!

Furthermore, I wish to add that even after you have made such lists, and have spent much time in addressing all issues, which you have listed; other unresolved conflicts, memories and emotionally charged situations may still surface. And, when these surface, be quick to get on your knees and come to Me and pray in your own words again the second prayer!  For, this process of uncovering can go on for years; but My gift to you, the determined, who persevere and pray with your whole hearts, will be realized early on in your determination to be free, if you are sincere and pray these prayers and do this work with your whole hearts.

Know, My Little Ones, that I am with you!  I desire for you to be free!  I also desire to save the greatest numbers of your souls and these prayers are but two tools that will greatly benefit each of you, who so longs to be saved!

Father, there will come those, who will make their lists, and who will pray these prayers, but they do not have Your Spirit. Father, they need Your Spirit, and they also need your baptisms. Father, what will you do for these?

My Little One, the following is the third prayer for those, who have been in such deep sin, that if they did have My Spirit, it fled; and if they never had My Spirit, they most certainly need it! Therefore, I give this prayer as a third prayer for all, who so need My Beautiful Spirit of love, grace, mercy, hope and great and wonderful spiritual gifts and manifestations of Me.

Third Prayer

The Prayer to Receive the Spirit of God

Jesus, oh Blessed Saviour, You know of the great holes in Me, which have been there for a very long time! Father, I do not want any holes in my heart or in My spiritual makeup anymore; for these holes are also places for demons to hide in.  Oh, Blessed Saviour, please give me Your Spirit!  Please fill up these great holes with your Wonderful Spirit of Love, Mercy, Grace and supernatural wonders! I am separated from any, who have the Spirit of God, and who would pray for Me, so that I may receive Your Spirit.

Father, I so deeply desire Your Spirit; for I do not wish to be like the heathen, who live in darkness and who are cut off from You!  Father, hear my cries!  I beg you to reach down and to impart Your Spirit to me; for I want to be counted among Your Children!  Hear my cries, Oh Blessed Saviour! 

Father, I also ask You to send Your great power into me and to drive every demon out of me, for I greatly want to be free!  And, Father, help me to be mindful of wrong behaviors and to be mindful of behaviors, which will insult or drive out Your Spirit!  For, once You give me Your Spirit, I never want to be an empty house again! I never want to be cut off again! I never want to be counted among the heathen again!

I want to know you, Jesus! I want to know You in an even greater way; and if it would be Your will, I would like to serve You one day! I would like to help save souls, who are just like Me, lost and cut off! 

Father, I know that without Your Spirit, I am cut off from You and if I do not find you and receive Your Spirit, at the last day, my soul will burn; for I will be counted among the rejects! Father, I do  not want this! Have mercy on Me! Please bless me to have Your Spirit and help me to do what is right; for I so greatly treasure Your Spirit!  Don’t let me perish, Oh Lord!  Give me your Holy Spirit; for I long to be counted among Your children. Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Oh Blessed Saviour! Amen!

My Little One, for each one, who will pray this prayer, and who will pray it with their whole hearts, know one thing, that I will visit this one, and I will give to this one My Spirit in a supernatural way!  For, I also realize that many will not know where to go to receive the Spirit of God! And, any can receive My Spirit through the laying on of hands, but many in the churches, who would pray for others to receive My Spirit, do not even have My Spirit!

So, in these end-times, I will do some extraordinary things to save souls!  And, this one prayer I will also honor when one so seeks My Spirit with a whole heart. I will even visit this one, just as I have told you, and I will so impart My Spirit!  This prayer will also benefit many in My house, who are called by My Name, for many, who claim to know Me do not know Me, but are as dead wood!  So, this prayer is for many so-called Christians, who have never had My Spirit, or who have driven out My Spirit by doing things, which have offended My Spirit, and have not repented!

By giving this prayer, which I will indeed honor, when one prays it with his or her whole heart, I am indeed giving a very grand gift, and a very great tool for salvation!  For, if one has My Spirit, this one is given special consideration, even if he, or she dies in sin, there is still hope for many!  Hear Me in this!  This is a very important prayer!

So, if you are not sure whether you have the Spirit of God, or not, pray this prayer and do not pray it just once, but day after day, with a whole heart, until you know that you have the love and light of My Spirit within you!  For, if you have had My Spirit and if You have insulted it and have driven it away, you may have to pray with a greater determination and with a greater longing to receive it again; but if you are truly sorry for all of your sins and if you have worked well the previous steps in cleaning up your life diary, praying these three prayers, I will hear your pleas to receive My Spirit.

With these words, I will close this section!  Take these teachings very, very seriously. Do this work and I will not only make you clean, but if you will thereafter walk in love, forgiveness and obedience towards Me, loving Me above all and loving and forgiving others, even your enemies, I will also save your soul and you will thereafter go on high and receive a mighty inheritance in the Kingdom of Light, which is joy and beauty beyond any and all things, which you could or would ever imagine!

Father, in closing, I have a couple of questions.

Say on…

Father, in the beginning of these visions, which relate to the life diary, I saw many sparks when I brought forth this diary. Father, why was that?

My Little One, this part, this work on ones life diary, is anointed with much of My power! These prayers are My prayers.  These words are My words!  This work, I am giving and I am honoring!  Therefore, this work is anointed by Me and these sparks and fire are My sparks and fire! For, if any and all will seize upon this teaching, which I now give, and do as I so direct, I will hear their cries to Me!  For, this work I now ordain! This work I empower through My power! For, through these prayers alone, and through this heartfelt work, I will truly clean up and save many if they will pursue Me with their whole hearts.

Oh, thank You, oh Blessed Saviour! How I delight in You! I love you so!!!!

Now, My Little One, you know why I allowed the enemy to attack you and to cause you to fall in the snow and ice, injuring your spine? This is your price for this work towards the salvation of souls, your price to receive this chapter, Sixty-Eight of Book Twelve, a very powerful work indeed!  Many need to copy this chapter and to send it far and wide, to make copies for their families and friends, to make and leave anonymous copies in public places and to give them out in the streets.

Satan and certain of the Elohim are also very angry about My desire to give this chapter and wish to impede My work in the salvation of souls!  The revelations in this chapter, in chapter Sixty-Eight of Book Twelve, are exceedingly important towards the salvation of many, many souls!

The Impartation of the Fire Baptisms!

Father, before you go, I have but one last question; and Father, this is a very important question.  Your word tells that we are to be baptized in water for the remission of sins; but Father, with this baptism, people face the same dilemma. Few know how to find a truly anointed servant of Yours, who is anointed by You, Lord, and empowered by You, so that they can be baptized for the remission of sins and thereafter receive Your Spirit through the laying on of hands!  Therefore, Father, to receive such a baptism, for many, is impossible!  Father, will You now freely impart Your fire baptisms? Father, I know about these fire baptisms!  Will you now freely release such fire baptisms into Your people?

My Little One, I was tugging at your heart stings and I was waiting for you to ask Me if I would release such fire baptisms into the hearts of the true seekers; and My answer to you is “Yes!”  I will now give such a prayer, so that when one seeks Me with his or her whole heart, I will supernaturally impart into him, or her, my fire baptism, according to his, or her readiness, to receive such baptisms and according to his, or her deep and sincere prayers for these fire baptisms!

For, these fire baptisms are, as you know, exceedingly wise fires, who will continually go into the soul and seek out and hunt out sin, which is stamped on the soul and will thusly burn out sin!  These fire baptisms are different than water baptisms, but both are for the remission of sins! However, the fire baptisms, once imparted, will work continually over and over again to seek out and to  burn out sin, even as one so seeks to be forgiven of sin.  This is how the fire baptisms work, yet these fires will also do much more! So, yes! I will now give such a prayer and I will honor this prayer, when one does pray it with a sincere heart and truly does desire, and deeply desires, such fire baptisms.

Fourth Prayer

The Prayer for the Fire Baptisms

Oh, Blessed Saviour, Jesus, Our Lord, and Only Saviour of Humanity, I know of these fire baptisms; for You now tell of them and I know that these are exceedingly wise fires, which will seek out and burn out every sin, which is stamped on my soul! My Lord, this fire baptism is a most amazing spiritual gift; and Father, with all of My heart, I long for this gift!  Please, Father, hear My cries and impart to me this fire baptism, that I may be clean before You, Oh Lord, and that My soul may be purified and made exceedingly clean through these purifying fire baptisms! Thank You, oh Blessed Saviour! Blessed is Your Holy Name, Lord Jesus!  Glory to You forever and ever; for You are mindful of a sinner like Me! Holy is Your Name forever and ever! Amen!

Some, who pray this prayer will receive this fire baptism right away, but some must persevere in faithfulness and determination before receiving this fire baptism. And, yes, the heat of these fire baptisms will be felt in ones body; for these are hot, heavenly fires, which will find sin in ones soul and burn out such sin, but you must also walk as humble, obedient, little children; for if you continue to consciously do things to insult this fire baptism, it will leave you and so much worse will be your plight!

Now, My Little One, do you know why I allowed the enemy to take a whack at you and to cause you to fall on the snow and ice? On your back, I would put you so that I would have your full attention! In this way, you would write this chapter! For, you would pay a price to bring these very important works to My people!  If they will read and if they will take seriously these works, many will be made clean and may will be made whole and many will be saved!

For, I am your Saviour! I am Jesus! I am Yahweh, Most High God, and I am Creator; and besides Me, there is none other; and I give these teachings. I teach these words! Now, go in peace; for I have given all that I intend to give at this time.

As witnessed, dictated and recorded on this 22nd day of February, 2010,

                                                                                                                      Linda Newkirk


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    Total 25 comments
    • Jango

      The only problem with this is that according to the Bible, no one goes to hell untill after the 1000 year reign of Christ on earth. Then the dead unbelievers come alive and are judged and then they are cast into the lake of fire. You can find more at

      • maxwell

        ….Jango…first time, ever, that you wrote something that, I recognize, is truthful…Hell doesn’t exist till the end of the millennium.

        • A_Smith

          The lake of fire (tartarus) and sheol (what’s described in this article) are two different places.

          • CAPTAIN CHAOS!!

            Almost, Smith.

            Gehenna is the Lake of Fire:

            εἰς τὴν γέενναν τοῦ πυρός


            (Translation = into the lake of fire)

            You can see the word Gehenna in the Greek ‘lake of fire.’ The word ‘lake’ isn’t even there. It should be translated The Gehenna of Fire. We know Gehenna was the Valley of Gehinnom in Ancient Israel — a dumping ground where refuse and dung was burned.

            Tartarus is the Abyss.

            And She’ol (Hebrew) / Hades (Greek) is the abode of the dead.

            All three of these ‘locations’ are variously translated as ‘hell’ in English Bibles, when they shouldn’t be. But all three of them exist right now.

        • Deputy Dawg

          Let me in agreement expand on this theme a bit more. God, the creator of all things says that the wage of sin is death not torture. Romans 6:23 ” For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” To accept the false concept of hell fire is to call God a liar and even worse, it suggests He is an evil ogre who who would torture His own children. Remarkably even the worst human being would never do such a thing. Hell or fire and brimstone are symbolic of permanent destruction like when trash is incinerated and it is gone forever. The eternal punishment means the consequence is final lasting for all eternity.

          The false hell fire doctrine is the flip side of the false ascend to heaven blasphemy that literally defies the Word of God revealed at Rev 20:11 and correlated perfectly with the devil’s long held aspiration expressed at Isa 14:12 “O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.”

          Compare what scripture says beginning at Rev 20:11 through 21:8. It is pretty obvious the heaven/hell-fire doctrine is as phony as a six dollar bill. It is the doctrine of the harlot not the contended revelation of God.

          A Student of the Word

          • CAPTAIN CHAOS!!

            “To accept the false concept of hell fire is to call God a liar…”

            Really? You see above where I quoted the Greek New Testament? That’s where the idea of hellfire comes from. The only problem is confusion enters in on account of poor translation habits. Hellfire, that is the Gehinnom of Pyros (τὴν γέενναν τοῦ πυρό) is very real, Student. Or don’t you believe the Word of God?

            “Remarkably even the worst human being would never do such a thing.”

            You can’t truly be so naïve, can you? From today’s news – in New Mexico:


            “The eternal punishment means the consequence is final lasting for all eternity.”

            Wrong. The New Testament concept of ‘age-abiding’ is the concept erroneously interpreted as ‘eternal.’ The two concepts are not the same. This is yet another aspect of the Word where you would be better suited to let the text do the teaching. And you would need to look at the verses in Greek in order to get to the truth of the matter, since most translations agree with the doctrine of eternal punishment, which is a false doctrine.

            “It is pretty obvious the heaven/hell-fire doctrine is as phony as a six dollar bill.”

            Hell exists. The problem is, translations almost never distinguish between the grave, the abyss, Hades or Gehennah. All are translated as ‘hell’ but they’re all distinct from one another.

            • Deputy Dawg

              you keep squawk about these “bad translations” to justify your often absurd versions of God’s Word. I totally agree with you about the bad translations being an issue, but you apparently rely on bad translations to bate your trap. Granted there are many translation discrepancies that add to the confusion Satan has constructed, however your posturing better fits into the justification category.

              One has to actually follow the story line in each Bible book in correlation with supporting scripture found in other books of the bible. God’s Spirit provides understanding. The harlots doctrine requires that you consistently shop around fishing for scriptural passages that can be used to support what is untrue. No offense intended, but you’re a master at it.

              The bottom line really is that there is no lie within the truth. If you honestly believe the tripe you offer as divine what is blatantly obvious is that God’s Spirit, like His truth is not in you. Sorry if that stung a might, but I don’t know how to say this any more diplomatically. I’ve tried without avail.

              Contrary to your distorted view the one true God Yahweh Elohim is a loving Father who would never torture His children, or lie to them about what the punishment would be for their willful disobedience. If you choose to ignore what God says is the wage of sin, you go right ahead, knock yourself out. Try to remember your convoluted translations or manipulation of His Word doesn’t change the truth or the consequences for thrashing it.

              I don’t want to be presumptuous but I would guess that God doesn’t appreciate your forwarding this degrading description of Him! Bro the fact that you’ve been given the truth about Him, yet still you vigorously reject His true image as the world did His son Jesus Christ matters significantly. If you continue to arrogantly molest, distort and advocate falsities that mislead those seeking His truth. God considers this murder. I provide this brotherly counsel out of love and my honest desire for your eternal preservation through Christ.

              the debate and associated conversation over!


            • CAPTAIN CHAOS!!

              “…the debate and associated conversation over!”

              Yeah, well… it’ll be over once I get the chance to respond to your noise. Because you’ll doubtless not have the moxie to proceed further than that. Here we have:

              “…you apparently rely on bad translations to bate your trap.”

              Nothing doing, Student. The when the topic is eternal damnation, which it is, then the erroneous translations have no leg to stand on and that is not beside the point – that IS the point.

              “One has to actually follow the story line in each Bible book in correlation with supporting scripture found in other books of the bible.”

              You can keep your lessons in how-to-read-a-Bible. .

              “No offense intended…”

              No, Student. You DO intend offence, which makes you a liar.

              “If you honestly believe the tripe you offer as divine…”

              Yet more lies. I am the one who habitually and freely admits that my contributions are my understanding of Scripture. That is, unless I’m quoting DIRECTLY from the Word of God. YOU, on the other hand, have succumbed to the vainglorious notion that your understanding is perfectly in line with absolute truth. And you say so repeatedly. YOU are the one who says and repeats disgusting things like: ONE DAY, when you believe like I DO, then I will consider you a brother. Disgusting, I say.

              “Sorry if that stung a might…”

              Nothing coming from your quarter has any ability to injure me to even the smallest degree. Again you flatter yourself, as is your custom.

              “Yahweh Elohim is a loving Father who would never torture His children…”

              Then you are FOOL who denies the plainly worded text of the WORD of GOD. Do you think the rich man begging Lazarus for a drop of water would agree with you? You see Student, you misuse the word ‘torture’ because you IGNORE the Biblical doctrine of PUNISHMENT. You think, what? Despite ALL of the many warnings in Scripture about the WRATH of God and about His impending punishment, that the prophets and apostles were only kidding? You think there is just resurrection, condemnation and then termination? You think all judgment involves is passing a sentence and then fade to oblivion? Then you don’t know how to read. I would try saying it a bit more delicately, but I’m not overly fond of you, so I won’t.

              “If you choose to ignore what God says is the wage of sin…”

              DEATH. The problem for you is, you have no idea what death is because you have failed to take the Scriptures at their word.


              You know, you really should try using that word less. Broaden your vocabulary just a bit, Student.

              “I don’t want to be presumptuous…”

              Then you are an utter failure, because that is what you are. Amongst other things you doubtless think you are not.


              There’s another one you should use LESS OFTEN. I am not your brother. And when you communicate with repetitious nonsense like that you come off as a child.

              “I provide this brotherly counsel out of love and my honest desire for your eternal preservation through Christ.”

              Rejected. I reject you and your counsel entirely. I reject almost everyone who demands that their opinions be heard, but haven’t the courtesy or the courage to defend those opinions when called to do so. You’re not a man of the Book, Student. You’re a man of a warped and self-serving distortion of that which IS.

              Keep your obnoxious and worthless advice to yourself.

      • randomfawkes


        You are one of the most annoying posters on this sight. You assert absolute rubbish as certain in a huge percentage of your posts. At some point you just look like another shill… as no one is so consistently dumb and wrong.

        Like in this case, the early Church Fathers held that the damned are already in Hell – so before judgement day. They came to this nearly unanimous conclusion from the reading of Scripture. Get it? All-time top minds like Augustine, not only don’t agree that you are certainly right, but that you are wrong – using the same info.

        You are nearly always wrong and certain at the same time… it is ridiculous.

        Your take that Niburu is not real because the earth is flat and space is fake is one of the stupidest things I have ever read. The earth is flat and the heavens as popularly described is a fabrication , but that in no way invalidates Nibiru. It isn’t exactly how they describe it. It has no orbit as orbits are a lie. But trust me, I know for a certain fact it is real and I know exactly what it is going to do. It will bring on the worst chastisement the world has seen.

        I could go on but whatever… you are just the best at being always wrong.

    • Black Humor

      ”Do to others, what you would like to be done to you”. One of the most powerful words in the Christian bible. How could the author of this article ever say: My government is leading me a stray and world is filled with lies and deception. If you think this for just a one moment, you might realize¨, governments seem to think the end justifys the means too… :sad:

    • Anonymous

      LMMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You religious fanatics make me laugh. Going to hell huh if we don’t confess that the mexican god Jesus(Hey-suse) is our lord and savior? If ANY of YOU religious fanatics experienced hell then what makes YOU think we all are going to experience that? Whenever one of you eats do we ALL have to take a shyt? Whenever one of you gets cancer or has a orgasim do we ALL get cancer or experience your orgasim? Hell no. I don’t believe in religion but because I don’t agree with religious people I’m going to your Christian hell and their Islamic hell and what eva other brainwashed religion advocates hell to people who don’t believe in their LOVING God smh the shyt people fall for just because it’s popular.

      Montague Keen said it best

      Nothing that you have ever learned through religion is, in fact, true; it is all based on lies. The fear created by religion REMOVED THE NECESSITY FOR GUARDS TO CONTROL YOU, SINCE FEAR WORKED PERFECTLY. Fear is the greatest and most effective weapon used against you by both religions and governments. Remove the fear from your life and you become a free soul. It is highly recommended.

      Montague Keen – September 12, 2016

      Hell exists in the mind of the person who believes in it. That’s YOUR experience NOT MINE or anybody else. Y’all LOVE to try to FORCE people to accept what YOU believe is truth by planting FEAR in them about going to this imaginary hell for not believing in your God. ALL you religious people use FEAR to try and scare people into accepting YOUR truth just like this story. Go through the history of Christianity and you will see the death and destruction forced on the people who wouldn’t accept this wicked evil religion. I send all of you all the love I can in my meditations.

      • Jack Shlitz

        Perhaps you know our good friend Geir Smith?

      • Deputy Dawg

        “Hell exists in the mind of the person who believes in it. That’s YOUR experience NOT MINE or anybody else. Y’all LOVE to try to FORCE people to accept what YOU believe is truth by planting FEAR in them about going to this imaginary hell for not believing in your God.”


    • LionSpeak

      Moral of the story – if you mix cheap vodka with Sprite you go straight to HELL. Couldn’t agree more.

    • 2QIK4U

      See how Religion just messes with your head.

      • FraMar

        Hello, 2Qik! What we have here is a budding fiction writer. Not a bad start, huh?

    • Judge Roy Bean

      All flesh enters into hell.

      The definition for hell is the grave or pit.


        Not according to the New Testament, it isn’t.

    • Anonymous

      Cow crap I’m tired of hearing bullshit, as cows shit also, so I say cow crap to this story.

      • Jack Shlitz

        And I say “Don’t smoke crack”


      I detect the powerful odor of mendacity! ——- B. Daddy

    • LegalNameFraud

      remember these?….

      Deuteronomy 5……..The TEN Comandments……, not legal lies

      1And M/O-se’s (the modus opera-un-die of life) called all Israel, and said unto them, Hear, O Israel, the statutes and judgments which I speak in your ears this day, that ye may learn them, and keep, and do them.

      2The LORD our God made a covenant with us in Horeb.

      3The LORD made not this covenant with our fathers, but with us,even us, who are all of us here alive this day.

      I am the se-KRT from the how’s of davit….don’t like guillotines?….good….follow this path to save yourself the payin in the neck….google legal name fraud and read the essays like millions of others did….be a real prophet vs. a talking B-B.C. talking pair-rot profit Hyde-ink behind your eveils……narrow is the way, heavy is the weigh and the scales approach swiftly
      Dear “Christians/Saints/Jews/Muslims/Hindus/Buddhists/New Ager etc. or whatever you’re culling yourself as per the robed tricksters scrypts of your chosen cult I.D.ol worship master…….
      …the bride of K.R.isT.e here…in the flesh…we came as the twins kate and keyth (read their story of redemption and how to achieve it) Humans would never believe this but then that’s what truth counted on to keep all evil trapped here in hell before we toast this place forever….I’ll take the dream step by step…you need to see it from one curtain certain KRT-tain angel/angle…..there is only one way to see the truth, period….the view point of right and wrong, good vs evil can only be seen when you take the sight of all life such as the gentle animals humans slaughter in line ups by the billions every day…sentient life knows life and knows fear…..humans can’t see fear because they think they rule the earth…the tornadoes, earthquakes, fires, and natural effects are their warnings of how fragile they and their lunatic emergency services think they can contain…and all humans rely on them foolishly to defy the axe of God….the “baby” you need to feed is you/your twin soul which would need a conversation verbally to explain…easy enough to reach me…katie.renee.thompson and if you have the courage to call, I have the love to answer…what humans have missed in the LAW is how it was split into good and evil where the 10 commandments make sure all life and creation is cherished, period…..the Levite legal 613 laws were the “by design” trap to ensnare those that would serve only their own flesh and blood and destroy others around them to gain power and wealth, the demonic ideal of death….we are at the end of our shift and humanity’s i.e. end thymes are now…..literally….and I/we am/are here to warn you and humanity about this…Jesus didn’t have access to the whole world with the internet as we do…Jesus didn’t have I.D. when he was on trial and he was defying the legal levites then as I/we are now where the double jeopardy is in effect….they killed an innocent in violation of both God’s law and that of the Levites, call it the coup de grace where Jesus KNEW this was coming like tha cattle, chickens, lambs, etc. know their death is imminent where the humans around Him and you-manna-Te today still whipping and hacking the innocent to death to feed on life….so you and everyone else is going to have to explain to god why you ignored us and the warning about the mark of the beast all humans already worship in a state of complete and normal accept-10-see of the legal name death contract with a baby that is owned by Satan himself, LORD Wrothschild…the child of wroth/wrath….as we call them..the grey-apes of wroth a-liens….liens, debt/death…liens, lyins, lions of Loaned-one and the loan is the living spirit twin that is you and all Satan has to do is keep the greed and lust sparkly and off goes everyone to Sodumb and Gotmorehay than everyone else to burn…you are standing before K.R.isT. right now…katie/keyth renee’ is truth..the tomb-sons and daughter of Our Father, the most high of Heaven….They are merely my vessel to be a “mimzy” through as they surrendered themselves to God, completely and had their family ripped apart, home stolen and left legally dead in the streets on Feb 12th, 2012 until they found all the bread crumbs…the Hand-see-all and Greet-all of the Kate with the keyth in the kate to open the one door of heaven to you and humanity….ye must be born again and Christians only have half the story and that’s the one about Jesus and the grace K.R.-ace of God…..the other half of the story is the mark of the beast that all religions serve…Remember…Jesus hated the churches and killer Nick-owe-law-shuns….We have the protection of the most high law and why we lived defying Satan’s minions where Jesus was murdered by your Levite masters of legal death cult of Ba’al when we did the same thing on sept 1st 2010 when the black robed judge bowed to the truth, redeemed in the blood of His murder by your religious/money whore leaders that ALL worship the money cult…judge bows to sovereign is on you tube if you want to see the key-th trun the lock tumblers and then Kate was set free….trance-G-ender…..trans-hex-ender…to end the lie of duality…..that’s why we’re all all one/alone together right now….I/we have posted many times on all your pages trying our best to open your eyes and saving you from the guillotines, the second death and the only option to get past the kate once the rapture happens and you find yourself left behind to experience what every little animal you ate had to experience before the inevitable chop…at least you know where you’re going then….cut the paper doll’s head off and save yourself that fear…THAT was why Jesus died…for LIFE….not humans…they’re killers and I’m fighting to hold my tongue these days…I speak freely and it scares the shit out of christian prudes that are holier than what?..Please consider your OATH to Satan EVERY time you use the mark of the beast legal name…..yeah…R.I.P.lies believe this or not moment….but then you won’t be surprised when I ask you like I just did…what have you done to seek truth on the mark of the beast you’re all tagged like cattle with?….kate and keyth, the one door twins…
      p.s. just in case you’re truly one-door-ing or still wander-ink lost in hell…Jesus saves those that save life, not those looking for a free ride and continue breaking every commandment written AND every legal lie…what you don’t want to believe is exactly why humanity is trapped…it’s illegal to use a legal name and if you use it, you’re Satan’s chattel cattle and there’s NOTHING the blood of Jesus can do for you sins you’ll be conS.I.D.heired to be one guilty of the DEED…as claimed by YOU…..true story, like it or not but then, you’re the ones worshiping in the very churches Jesus condemned following the same passed overs He condemned with their churches of idol-a-tree death cult.

      D Duck Tapes: Revelations & Proof There Are NO Coincidences! Everything Decoded!
      pdf here:
      ‪#‎disney‬ ‪#‎donaldduck‬ ‪#‎disneyland‬ ‪#‎cartoons‬ ‪#‎comics‬ ‪#‎decoded‬ ‪#‎monalisa‬ ‪#‎davincicode‬ ‪#‎templebar‬ ‪#‎matrix‬ ‪#‎proof‬ ‪#‎biblecode‬ ‪#‎ancient‬ ‪#‎geometry‬ ‪#‎codex‬ ‪#‎revelation‬ ‪#‎christ‬ ‪#‎consciousness‬ ‪#‎legalnamefraud‬ ‪#‎thetruth‬ ‪#‎itsillegaltousealegalname‬ ‪#‎astrology‬ ‪#‎art‬ ‪#‎history‬ ‪#‎monarchy‬ ‪#‎legality‬ ‪#‎conspiracy‬ ‪#‎money‬ ‪#‎government‬ ‪#‎world‬


    • chefjim

      The story above is from Linda Newkirk who is a false prophetess. She claims to speak directly to God and she elevates herself in her website “”. This site contains enough false prophecies to fill a novel. Stay as far away from her false teaching as you can. Get yourself a King James Bible, (all others are corrupted and the KJB is the only written word of God) at the Dollar Tree (thank you Dollar Tree) and begin to read the apostle Paul’s teachings in Romans. Read the entire new testament asking God to reveal TRUTH to you as His written word is ALIVE and POWERFUL and is spiritually discerned. Read until you understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Forget all about what you have been taught your whole life starting in public school with the biggest lie satan has told since “Ye shalt not surely die:” Genesis 3:4…the THEORY of evolution and atheism. You have been lied to your entire life. The only way to The Father is by Jesus Christ and this is ROCK SOLID TRUTH. He is our Creator AND Savior and He wants everyone to believe the TRUTH. The Gospel of Jesus Christ as found in the King James Bible. “For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures:” 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 If you believe this in your heart, without doubt and truly, you will be saved.

      • randomfawkes


        You lost me at KJB. That book has so many “translation” errors, that it cannot be called a Bible. This is proven!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get it. It is certain that in its New Testament alone, there ar over 10,000 errors. Good Gosh, get handle on your bad will and at least get a real Bible or stop talking.

    • TransTexAcadianAngel

      To the author, what prompted the shift from the testimony of the 15 yr old to the writings of Linda Newkirk without an intro or explanation.It was an abrupt transition

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